Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How to Decide on the Right Career

Defining Career

In general career is defined as a kind of progress through life or at least certain periods of life mostly with the aim of reaching a higher or the highest possible position in a company, an organization, an institution, the society or others. Career is a very individual matter and choosing a career is treated as one of the most fundamental life choices any individual should make. Career is often distinguished from terms like "job" or "occupation" because it emphasizes the possibility of moving forward and climbing up the social ladder. One can have a job but this doesn't mean automatically that this job can guarantee a career - this is what is said. In this sense career stands higher than just employment and implicates a conscious and aware decision making and acting of an individual.

Career Models

Though career is mostly associated with "being employed", this is not the only path one can follow and not the only field one can make progress in. The question of how income is made seems to be a better criteria and therefore we can differentiate the following career models:

career as employee
career as entrepreneur
career as business owner

Employee Career

Employee career means climbing up the career ladder within a certain structure, mostly a company, by getting promoted. The employee career is predefined by the company structure and only certain points of the career ladder can be reached by an employee (for instance it's rather unlikely that a simple employee can reach the position of a chairman). This model is true for the majority of people, but only if they start seeing the job they do as a basis for improvement and only if they understand the need for activity and aware decisions.

Entrepreneur Career

The difference between employee and entrepreneur is that in contrast to an employee working for someone an entrepreneur owns the job he does working only for himself. This means of course a difference in career possibilities as well. An entrepreneur doesn't have a predefined career ladder as there is no structure / company to be bound to. And therefore progress depends on the individual development of the entrepreneur. A reasonable criteria for assessing an entrepreneur career is the level of customer popularity and the made income.

Business Owner Career

A business owner doesn't own a job but a kind of business system working to generate income. This means that there are either employees or entrepreneurs working for the business owner or there is a to some extent automated income system requiring only a small level of engagement from the site of the owner. In this model career is of course directly proportional to the economic relevance of the business

Georg Baer is passionate about finding the right career path for himself and others. He loves the idea of financial freedom through the Internet but is still enough realistic to know that there can be many possible ways.

See and profit from Georg Baer's Encouragement Words [http://www.timeforgiants.com/portal/] and Expert Knowledge at Time For Giants. Remember that each career activity needs to follow a path.

(c) - Copyright - GEORG BAER. All rights reserved.

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