Monday, February 20, 2012

Career tests – making it easier for counseling parents of career

All parents want the best for their children, and finding the perfect career is no exception. Provide career advice however is a challenging task for many parents. Many parents may have an understanding of their personality but also necessary, childs and what can be more difficult to provide, is current work and labour market information. This can be difficult given the landscape of our labour market has changed so significantly over the years and from previous generations. For example, many older parents tend to stick with one or perhaps two employers through their career. Nowadays, however, statistics show that those entering nowadays the workforce can expect to work in many different roles, with many different employers, through the course of their careers.

It is also a common trend for parents to focus on the experience in one area only and this can become a potential problem when trying to provide career counselling to their children. Not only that, even though we know what we are talking about, all parents know that sometimes our children do not listen to us just because we are their parents! I've known a lot of parents who are able to provide good career advice, but find themselves talking to a brick wall. Less than ideal situations also arise when chose to children or chose not to, select the same career as their parents, for no other reason than is what you learn through their parents and who have grown up with this expectation. This is obviously not the best career option for a child and it would be preferable to make an important decision based on sound career advice and information, rather than just following or not following their parents.

These are just some of the problems, but what is the answer? The answer in my opinion is for your child to do a quality career tests and receive professional career advice on the basis of their results. With very strong emphasis has been put there on the word "Quality"! As a parent I certainly don't want the baby to an important decision based on the outcome of a career quiz one career on the internet. However, those in the know are aware there are some quality career tests that rely on search to make them valid and reliable. One such tool is the strong interest inventory (SII). The SII is probably the most popular tool used by career worldwide career counselors. It will give you a thorough assessment of the personality test and buyer's preferences. Nowadays the test can also be taken online through some online in the comfort of your provider and your childs home.

Such a supplier of SII is, which not only provide evidence, but also provide a complete and detailed report, examined by a registered psychologist and a follow-up telephone consultation to examine the results in detail. This is an excellent choice for many parents as it ensures career decisions of their children are based on objective and reliable evaluation measures used throughout the world. So if you or your child is at an age when they need to take the important steps in the career best for them, I recommend you buy a gift voucher and have them take the strong interest inventory (SII) in or another supplier today. This will provide piece of mind that does not allow future career and happiness of your child. Nathan Jones is the Director of He is a registered psychologist with extensive experience of work in the field of career counseling and support. In 2009 he founded that offers quality and affordable online career and personality test. CareerSense use only the most respected and scientifically validated testing tools and consulting services of professional career. Visit CareerSense today for a career or personality test at

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