Monday, March 19, 2012

Mid career change tips-5 easy steps to a perfect career

So, you are considering a career change and want to Board of career change. Good for you. It is important that you get satisfaction and fulfillment from your job or career.

However, some people in your life may not see it that way. You may feel that you shouldn't be changing careers "at your age" and that "it is a job, you are not supposed to like it." But both of these are very false. It is important, though, to assess your situation and find a career that is right for you. When you do that, you have all the ammunition you need to fight these nay sayers that want to stay where you are.

1. your current job is satisfactory?

This is the most important question to ask and one that is often overlooked. In fact, you like the job? You must drag yourself to the Office or shop or any every day? Fear returning to work after a day out? Keep a log of how you react to various issues in the workplace. Jot down various thoughts you have on your work all day-those who are positive and negative. Not enough focus on tasks; also think about the company culture, co workers and other factors. For example, you work for a company but are more idealistic in nature?

2. assess your skills, interests and personal values.

There are lots of free skills assessments and evaluations of interest that you can take over the internet. Think about things you have done in the past that you liked, including volunteer work, work that you did in high school or college and jobs they liked. Take a look at your skills and lasting values. Is your current career directing them? There are some really good sites out there that can give you some advice to solid career change and point you in the right direction.

3. know the difference between edit jobs and careers.

When you change jobs you are typically one side shift. A career change is usually not even on the same scale and often require different or additional skills. When deciding on a move, take a moment to think about it. You are making a lateral movement? Or you are making a move in a job that challenges you and asking more of you that your current job?

4. do your homework.

Select several career choices and read about them. Read the requirements as well as any additional training or skills that are needed. Changing careers is not something you want to walk into blindly.

5. talk to who is already there.

Talk to a few professionals who are already in the career of your choice. They can be great sources of advice of career change. Ask if you can shadow them for a few hours or a few days so that you can get an idea of what it entails. Ask questions and learn about the training and the skills that are necessary to reach the place that they are.

Paul Sarwanawadya offers career change advice to help career changers pursue their ideal careers. He maintains an informational website that provides advice on taking to change the Midlife Career. Please visit to get more advice on career change.

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