Friday, September 21, 2012

Is a CAREER Change Needed at YOUR House?

Are you happy where you are today? The number of folks who appear completely happy in their present career seems very low from all that I read across the news -- TV; newspapers; magazines, Internet websites, etc.

Maybe it's just a temporary thing. Instant gratification is more the norm today than ever before. We want it NOW, not later. It's

a learning curve for the new graduates from high school and college

before reality sets in for the long haul workplace discovery.

Sometimes you can find yourself simply at the wrong place. Don't

get anxious or overly excited when something changes, or life has

given you a few bad turns in the road to success. Never lose sight

of your long-term objective to be productive as well as happy in

your chosen career in the marketplace.

First, career strategies must be aligned with your objective to find

the dream job waiting in your future. When you're in a position of

choice, your decision, it's almost like your hobby has turned into

the cash cow you've always dreamed about.

Don't make a move without spending time to sort out options that

are available. Do your research in every career path. Never jump

at the first green light. Stop along the way, take your time, then

decisions can be made with positive energy as "right" for you.

Career strategies are a required element when you get ready to

make your career move. Make sure you have a sound career

development plan in place. There are many reasons why you

might be considering making a career change at this time.

You want to advance your career. You may be happy or unhappy

with your current job situation, but you have a strong desire to

either do something different or advance in a significant way. A

career makeover may be the next step, so that you can enhance

your value to your current employer.

A career change is in order. You want to do something completely

different as a career than what you are doing now. This might be

because you've lost interest in your original career... did you know

most people change careers at least 2 to 3 times in their work

lifetime? Or maybe, the choice was made for you when your firm

"downsized" you.

You want to go it "alone." You're ready to get out of the career rat

race altogether and try your hand at a work at home career of

some kind.

A focused career path makes sense for everyone. Too many employed

folks are not happy and want change... but have no clue where to begin.

Don Monteith spent 32 years as co-owner of several franchises and a personnel/staffing business. Every year, his firm placed hundreds of job candidates in their dream job. Today, Don shares his business and career expertise through his newest websites on the Internet. Lots of FREE ideas - suggestions - ready for your perusal and study.

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