Saturday, June 30, 2012

What Exactly IS a Career Coach Anyways?

I've come to find that the term 'Career Coach' somewhat mystifies people. I mean, to be honest, sometimes when I tell people that "I am a Career Coach," their eyes glaze over. And I often get a follow-up question like: So you're someone who places people within companies? Mmmm - not exactly.

Overall, the term 'coaching' has become muddled. There are a lot of life coaches, career coaches, spiritual coaches, business coaches, executive coaches, sports coaches, etc., etc. So, let's look at the actual definition of 'coach' from (I took out the definitions related to traveling coach on airplanes, stage coaches for horses, etc.):


5. a person who trains an athlete or a team of athletes: a football coach.

6. a private tutor who prepares a student for an examination....

-verb (used with object)

12. to give instruction or advice to in the capacity of a coach; instruct: She has coached the present tennis champion....

No wonder people are confused! So, here is my definition of a 'coach' operating in a business or life capacity of some sort: A coach is someone who has the experience and tools to guide you through a process to achieve your ultimate goal(s).

So, then, what the heck is a Career Coach? A Career Coach is someone to help you identify and achieve your most ideal career opportunity or 'next step' in your career. A Career Coach serves as an advisor, a mentor, a trainer, and sometimes a consultant, to get you unstuck, thriving, happy, successful, and so on, in your career.

Some people use a Career Coach while employed and some are unemployed. Some people focus on career options, career path, career transition, etc. Some people just want to be happier and more successful. Some want help in 'getting to the next level.' And some are unemployed and want help with true job search strategy techniques for efficient job search results.

Let's face it. You spend a lot of time in your career. For most of you reading this, the majority of your waking hours are spent at work and in your career. Professionals who invest in themselves by using a Career Coaching are saying, "I want more. I want something better. I want the next step. I want tools and strategies for accomplishing my big dreams. I'm tired of delaying what's next for me. Let's get going." They're willing to do whatever it takes to 'get more.'

Some people think you have to be completely lost or miserable to work with a Career Coach but I find it's just like anything else... the longer you are just "okay" or "fine" or "so so" with your career, the longer you delay true success, happiness, and fulfillment. In fact, many of my clients come to me with a great amount of success under their belt. But still, they've reached a point where something is missing for them and they want to get on with figuring it out.

Whether employed or unemployed, most people can benefit from a Career Coach yet most people will never use one. Those who use one are rarely disappointed and are often relieved to get to that next piece on their success path.

As a Professional Career Coach and President/Founder of Career Max Group, I help successful professionals get more. Please contact me to find out if Career Coaching/Consulting can help you to get more of what you want from your career:

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