Saturday, January 21, 2012

Make the career change over 50

Often it is difficult to think about changing careers. Is doubly difficult to make the step to change careers after you have done something for what may seem like a lifetime. Often it is difficult to think about changing careers. Is doubly difficult to make the step to change careers after you have done something for what may seem like a lifetime. Interestingly, many people are opting for a career change after 50 years. There are many things that drive people to seek a new career direction: burnout, a feeling that you did something for years which is actually not fulfilling or entertainment industry downturns, creating an excess of applicants in your field this career, a desire for something new and exciting in which devote yourself to the rest of your working life. Whatever the motivation, is a big step and you will need help to do so.

First, here are some things to think about.

* What do you do now? Where are your strengths? What skills can tap into to help you create a new career path?

* Do you know any headhunters?

* How good is your professional network? It will be useful in making your career change?

* What local resources are at your disposal? You can take advantage of career seminars, career counseling and professional staff or career fairs?

* You need to reformat your resume to highlight your experience and/or education and training in the new career area that you want to pursue.

"Headhunter" is a common term that refers to professional recruiters who work for firms looking for work. They usually specialize in certain career fields and/or industries and may focus on a specific professional level; for example, Executive, Manager or Director, etc. You can find the headhunters in a number of ways, including Word of mouth, internet ads, yellow pages and career change consultancy resources.

Here are some of the things that a headhunter will do for you:

* Review your resume and give you tips on submitting it and yourself in the best light for the career field.

* Be open requisitions that are trying to fill, or contact its customer network of employer to present as a candidate.

* Arrange interviews and travel, when necessary and follow up after the interviews with the potential employer.

* Negotiate salary and signing bonuses, where applicable

Follow-up with you after you are hired to make sure everything is working for you.

The headhunter can literally be your best friend during the change of career. Most are successful because of their empathy, their ability to understand the attributes of their candidates and the needs of their employers and their enjoyment of the continuous contact with the people on both sides of the fence looking work ... in other words, he wants to talk and enjoy interacting with people over the phone. This helps candidates and employers can interact with them and builds confidence.

It is important that you establish a good relationship with the headhunter, because you are entering unknown territory into a new career field and contacts and knowledge of the field that you had in your career past might not be more useful to you, depending on how drastic change you are making. There are some important steps you can take to make sure that you are able to work with you the headhunter. First, be completely honest with your headhunter about why you want to change careers and what you are looking for. The headhunter needs to understand your needs, completely in order to create a good match for you inside a new career field. Secondly, be responsive and follow-up in a professional manner. This does two things for you: it will move things quickly and demonstrates your professionalism to your headhunter. Thirdly, quickly refer to contact with companies that interview to keep the momentum going.

If more than 50 years and feel that something is missing from your career, it is never too late to make a change. While career changes can be challenging, it can lead to a valuable opportunity to build a professional life around the things you enjoy doing.

Greg Heslin is a best selling career consulting and author of "street smart" advice on how to survive workplace of the 21st century. For more technical information and free career advice, can visit the web site http://www.My

Change of Midlife Career-5 simple steps to get a great career

Career change or frequent job changes once wore a negative stigma and raised a red flag to warn prospective employers. No more. According to the Department of Labor Statistics, the average person will change careers somewhere between four to six times in the course of their lives. Also, make an average of twelve workplace changes to fifteen.

The red flag was lowered and these frequent changes now say potential employers that the applicant with a variety of careers and employment performs workplace flexibility-and that is highly desired. So, if you are contemplating a change mid-career, now is the time to act.

Evaluate your current position

Take a look at your current location, both professionally and personally. I am stuck in a rut? You feel choked or held back? You feel as if you're going nowhere? A career switch may be in order. If you feel that they are not properly using your existing skills or you can hit a plateau, it might be time to think about a new career plan.

Evaluate options for career change

Think about not only what you can do but also what you enjoy doing. If you're going to do a job change, salary and benefits can be a factor in determining the route you should take, but that should not be the only reason I make the move. It is important to find a career that you can actually enjoy. Statistics show that people who work in a job they enjoy are healthier and experience less stress-related diseases. You should also take a look at the knowledge, skills and abilities that require your career future. Do some research on your chosen career. Your State Department of labor is a good resource for finding profiles on the various careers.

Determine your transferable skills

Once you've taken a good look at your new career, determine what transferable skills you have that you can bring to the table. Transferable skills are those skills that you can bring from one job to another. When you pursue a new career, it is important that you can identify your transferable skills. This can be very useful in when and how to make your move.

Establish the educational track that you need to take

Depending on the career move you're doing, it may be necessary for you to get some exercise. With the boom of online schools that allow professionals to take courses on-line, their time, getting an education to boost your career change now easier than ever. If the online location isn't your thing, though, you can additionally classes at your local university or community college. There are also technical schools that offer courses in many different careers. Note also that non-traditional students-students who have more than 24 years-are a rapidly growing population on college campuses in the United States.

Get help if you need it

How to take your career choice, don't be afraid to ask for help. Find a mentor or life coach who can help you take a good look at yourself and your life, your profession and your goals. Can help guide you and make your transition from your current career to a new career much easier. You can find a life coach or if you know someone who is already in the field that you want to enter you can ask them for help. If you attended the school, you can speak with a career Adviser there. The point is, if you need help, don't be afraid to ask.

A change of Midlife Career can be exciting and terrifying at the same time. If you keep your head and make intelligent, you can insert into a new career is being accomplished in the manner that you need, either professionally, financially or personally.

Paul Sarwanawadya offers career change tips to help career changers pursue their ideal careers. Runs an information site that provides tips on how to make a midlife career change

Please 's visit to get more information about change of midlife career.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Planning career change-five biggest mistakes you don't want to do!

Many times when we make a mistake we can learn from misstep. Consequently, it is not long before we make the same mistake again. It's the same with our careers. We rely on the recommendation of friends and family. A well meaning teacher or a friend of the points in a particular direction.

They mean well, but before that we know that we're climbing up a ladder of progression of the work we have no interest in climbing. Do you want to change jobs or posts, but you want to do it well. To learn from the mistakes of others, here are some ideas on how not to work out a plan: career change

Do not take responsibility for your future: Don't depend on others to recognize your potential. Don't let your company or organization define your future. Is your future to plan how you're going to get where you want to be. Your career is too important to leave in the hands of others. Advice from others is fine, but always the temper with analysis and passions.

Not be practical: It's OK to dream, but if you're 40 years, next year we are not going to be the starting Middle linebacker with the Green Bay Packers. Be realistic career plans and take a step at a time. Build your success, and how one's self-esteem grows your overall plans can become more ambitious.

, Limiting your career reach and the range: As you analyze your interests and passions are not limited to work only one type of work or to work in an industry. Keep the ambitions of employment as possible, gaping from self-employment to work in another area. As you develop more career options, you have a greater chance of finding a career that is a good fit for your skills and interests.

From above the detailed career planning: A number of career plans fail due to lack of flexibility. More details in a career plan greater chance that does not respond adequately to changes in circumstances. And you can bet that there will be changes. Your search will eliminate some opportunities but will discover many more possibilities. Keep your career plan with measurable benchmarks, flexible. How to reach intermediate objectives, career planning should become more aggressive, but within achievable objectives.

Taking unnecessary risks: career Unnecessary risks are taking a job with inadequate research. Unnecessary risks are changing careers without interviewing a sufficient number of people who currently work in that career. Unnecessary risks are going to work for a company or organization without having a clear picture of their future. Unnecessary risks are becoming self employed or starting a business with an incomplete business plans.

Study and research appropriate your approach should be developing of career options, and then make an informed choice. Prevent you from doing any of these five career planning Errors and you will be well on your way to finding the right career with their employer.

John Groth is a former Executive coach and career HR. Find career planning Ideas , valuable articles and a free seven-day career planning guide. Discover up-to-date career strategies and our recruitment Employment Idea guide all to assist you in advancing and manage your career.

Career planning-the key to your future

The biggest mistake made more in their careers? Many times the individual fits into a job rather than finding a job or a career that fits them and then fits into their lives.

Career planning makes all the difference. Thinking about what you need at every stage of your career, putting down on paper, thinking in terms of progress in 3 months to a year at intervals of three years and frequently review your progress are all the ingredients necessary to plan and develop a rewarding and satisfying career.

And it's no mystery that many people surrender themselves less than satisfying careers, does not work to their potential and never completely having explored all their options. For example, peer or family pressure some into College guide when entrepreneurship or technical school education can be better. Others elect the College Major or fall in jobs based on potential earnings and then later find that they are unhappy.

Recently, a survey revealed that almost half of College educated workers between 25 and 50 respondents said they would choose the more different if they could do. Most graduates will have changed careers at least once, and one in five expect change in the future. Chalk up to indecision, social or economic changes or destiny, but more likely it is because many do not have a plan.

It's never to late to develop a career plan, even after 50, you can find work in a new challenging and satisfying career.

Regardless of where you are in your career, it is important to make informational interviews with people in the field or the company that you want to insert. Also, expand your search to libraries and the Internet. There are, for example, more than 20,000 job titles listed in the Bureau of Labor and statistics.

Let's face it. It is cheaper to do your career planning in the face of which remain in the wrong job too long or change majors college halfway through the school. Having a documented and well thought out plan early helps you discover your career-related interests and capabilities.

Will guide you to help identify occupations that match your interests, knowledge and personality. From here you can develop areas where it is necessary to further education and study. What are the needs of the job and how well will handle work requests are just some of the questions that you need to ask yourself as you research your opportunities.

If it is a career first or a later change in careers or even a career change after 50, many people have sought the services of a career counselor or coach. Keep in mind that there aren't any universal requirements for career coach. Depending on the State, some Councillors must undergo rigorous state licensing requirements and have advanced degrees in counseling or social work. On the other hand, some coaches draw on years of work experience and simply hang out a shingle. Ask around for recommendations if this avenue seems promising. Bottom line: whatever career you plan is developed it is your responsibility to the work plan.

There is nothing wrong with doing the job that you really want on weekends or part-time. You can hold the job that pays the Bills and pursue your entrepreneurial goals or artistic during your time off until you determine how to do it full time.

Planning and career development is a constant effort and never really ends. Your written goals must look forward in reasonable blocks of time. Equally important, do not stop the career planning once you get your dream job. Society and the global economy is constantly changing, you must have a flexible career plan that adapts to whatever comes. If, then, is clear, you'll be much better prepared than your peers.

Career planning is an ongoing activity. Will help you achieve your dream job and career. For more information about how to get started in your career planning http://careersafter50.comgo. Also you will discover a variety of success stories and examples of successful career planning and career change after 50

Career change tips-help and answers

Sooner or later, everyone wants something different in their career. For some, changing a career can not be feasible. For others, however, a career change can be more than a passing whimsy and a necessity dictated by lifestyle changes, termination, personal outsourcing or other factors.

Seek help of career change can be obtained in various ways, each of which can provide leads and tips on how to make a step into a new career.

Guide on how to change your career can be found through:

* Career assistance Ministries offered by professional groups, churches and community organizations can be valuable for individuals in career transition. Meetings may focus on panel discussions to find a new career, study materials, dialogue on careers, networking, and so on.

* Books on the subject. As with any subject, there are numerous publications on career change.

* Search tips from employment services. Regardless of what you say, companies involved with professional staff are in business to make a profit just like any other organization. For this reason, it would have been happy to meet you and provide you with help of career change.

* The Internet. Face, if you can't find something on the Internet these days that there is no information on the topic. But this is not the case when it comes to career change Guide and there is a wealth of information about the change of careers and the best way to go about the process.

Individuals who are seeking career change help would do well to try the above options, in addition to professional seminars on career change. Someone who is looking for a career change help should ask what they are called to, what gives their passion and what those who have done in life that may have prepared them for a different career. An example of such a scenario would be that someone who has enjoyed working with young people as a volunteer might consider a career as a teacher, trainer or youth Minister.
When you search for help on how to change careers, a person may focus on different areas, regardless of whether they are received through seminars, publications or career ministries:

1. assess the labour market

2. development of tools and job search strategies

3. preparation for the interview

4. Difficult interview questions

5. job search Process

6. preparation and updating resumes reflect the change you are looking for and include references that may speak better at your qualifications

7. the success of the negotiations

8. how to handle rejection

An individual who is ready for a career change should do an analysis of their passion, energy and skills to redeploy them in a career that best meets their energy level and their personal satisfaction.

Guide to career change also should focus on assessments of both because someone is trying to change and what, if anything, they hope to achieve in their new profession. This can be achieved through an analysis of their talents and disposal, in addition to what they hope to achieve in their new career. Just as guidance counselors suggest planning out a game plan for college, someone seeking career change should also develop a personal mission and a game plan for their new profession.

If they change work due to family commitments, progress or interest, health, career change advice is crucial to find a field well suited better employment. For more free tips, reports, and career change tips visit [] []

Career Test for adolescents-as more recent assessments reveal the perfect career path of your child

Most of us remember a day in our adolescence when our guidance counselor school has called us for career advice. Examined and assessed to us, gave us trials with cryptic questions and eventually proclaimed with certainty that our destiny was to become a firefighter-or a stonemason or a teacher of mathematics or something equally mysterious. As disconcerting as this process was, if you are the parent adolescents, you probably find yourself wishing that you could give this career advice.

With so many career options of modern work, it can be difficult for parents and teens limit choices. The good news is that such tests, career guidance counselor gave you have come a long way. Career assessments can help today's children to discover their career aptitude so accurate, sophisticated and time-effective. Test the child's personality, preferences, interests and talents providing you and your teen with essential information as you make choices for college and beyond.

Do you know if your child is a structured or a traditionalist, sensitive artist? They do their best work in solitude or on teams? One of the most widely used career assessments for teens, the indicator of the kind of Myers-Briggs (MBTI ®), evaluates the type of your child's personality on four scales: extraversion/introversion, Sensing/intuition, feeling and thinking and Judging/Perceiving. According to these measures, the test results provide information about careers, industries and work environments that are good choices for the type of your child's personality. Knowing that the type of your child's personality is crucial to choosing a career path that will motivate, challenge and fulfill them.

Extensive research was carried out using the MBTI to correlate the personality type with a successful career, so that once your child knows their type, can benefit from career experience of thousands of similar types. The test results will help you understand the key factors for their job satisfaction, stress factors crucial to avoid when choosing a career and some common problems you may encounter as they start their career path. Although your child's interests may change over time, their personality type will remain constant and preparing the child with the knowledge of their personality type benefit them for the rest of their lives.

To find the best career for your child, it is important to understand how their interests, hobbies, and favorite activities can inform their career choice. The strong interest inventory®, a test career well-researched and widely used to assess the level of interest of your teen into six main categories: career, realistic, Investigative, artistic, and social Enterprising. Then, match test scores your teenager with profiles of the interests of successful professionals for careers that are the best match for their vote. The results of the strong interest inventory can help the child to understand the daily activities that require certain jobs, and how their interests match up with possible careers.

The strong interest inventory is the indicator of the Myers Briggs type can be taken with the assistance of a qualified consultant. You can choose to visit a consultant in your area, or you can have your teen take these tests online. If you feel that your teen may need ongoing coaching, it may be best to visit a counselor in person. However, many families find that is more convenient to access these career tests for kids online.

However you decide to do the test, you can ensure that you get the highest evaluation by review and verify the results with a qualified counselor or coach. Both the strong and MBTI are designed to be interpreted and explained by a professional with training in the use of assessments. Your counselor or coach will help you make sense of the results and apply them to your child's individual situation and help you plan the next steps for the exploration of your child's career.

The sheer variety of career options, today, is amazing. Your teen has a dazzling array and sometimes overwhelming, of choices. With so many options, teenagers and parents will benefit from using career tests that have been developed to help students choose a rewarding career and personality. Not only can these evaluations provide much-needed direction, but can help guide your child toward a career that will challenge and fulfill them for many years to come.

© 2007 by Molly Owens

Molly Owens holds a BA in psychology and has completed post-graduate work in psychological assessment and counselling. After working in education, mental health and business administration, he founded PersonalityDesk to provide Myers Briggs personality tests and strong interest inventory on-line test career. Learn how your teen can take the MBTI and strong interest inventory on-line at

College career planning-Learn how to make productive use of valuable resources available

Career planning College comes in two parts. Firstly, engages in assessing individual interests and skills together with self-study. Secondly, they are more formal programmes and career planning systems from colleges, universities, and some private companies.

One of the things you can do to start is to take a placement test that can help you identify the skills, values and personal interests. Only that person is and what personality traits fit with career paths and College, is causing a key element for the University, career planning process.

While you engage in this most personal of the process, together with friends and family, you should begin to look at some colleges by location, cost, and so on. During this period, students and teachers can help clarify what Majors are strong at the school and as such Major careers can bring into the world of work. Some basic research in a particular career is generally productive. If you can interview different people now working in the career you want. What do they like or dislike about the career? Their assessment of future prospects would also be useful.

Use of the Internet is a great idea and one that has grown in popularity in recent years. The Internet offers a lot of resources for those involved in career planning.

Then comes a second part of the process, in which the individual determines which university/career path will allow the use of skills, abilities, interests and values that are stronger. The amount of information discovered in college career planning can overwhelm the first investigator. But with a focus on specific questions and areas of interest, research can become a bit easier.

Helping to narrow the choices and focus is some excellent formal programs offered by private companies and universities. Young seekers often make use of a formal system to assist with College and career planning. These systems vary from evaluation of skills and interest to the research of test and analysis of personality education.

A University may also offer their own college career planning program. University plans can have comprehensive information and assessment material designed for those who choose a career path. These can be an excellent activity for recent graduates and Community College.

Some of these rating systems can be shipped to you for use at home. Other companies offer their program as a Web-based interactive system. Most, if not all, have one goal-helping you find a rewarding position as part of a continuous effort career college planning.

With the wealth of information available, it's usually keep all of your career options open as you move through the educational process and formal learning. Summer jobs and internships in your chosen field will help in your decision-making process. As in anything more choices that you have most likely you will make a wiser decision career.

John Groth is a former Executive coach and career HR. On his website to find career planning Ideas and precious articles (valuable even if you are not yet 50). Discover up-to-date career strategies and recruitment at our Guide to career training all to assist you in advancing and manage your career.

Career training to advance-advantages and disadvantages

Advance your career with additional training; consider both sides.

There is a fundamental reason to consider advanced career training. This is why further and grow your career. Whether your training is the doctor, advanced management, technology or some other field, the main factor behind your decision is advancing your career. A further consideration may not be to advance your career so much, but to keep pace with the changes going on in your career or industry, then continue to qualify for the position.

In general, there are both more and less reason to be considered before planning advanced career training. While there are many reasons positive negative reasons should also consider in your decision.

Let's examine some of the reasons that deserve consideration. Positive reasons for advanced training of career are the first things that come to mind when considering such training. These reasons may include the following:

promotion or career: in considering the advanced career training, it is always the possibility of career promotion. Increase your value to your employer and many times this is a prerequisite for the promotion and greater responsibility.

or awareness of updates within the area: keep yourself informed about the latest developments in your area of expertise is crucial. As you become more conscious productivity and efficiency will increase. We hope that training will add greater gains.

or involvement in specialist training: getting involved in the formation of specialized career still advanced to become highly qualified and experienced in your particular career.

or enhance your curriculum: a training course completed can look good in your resume, especially if you have purchased that is highly in demand for advanced training of career and very relevant in the present time. Advanced career training is essential if you decide to make a career change. You need to get prepared for the next level of career challenges and responsibilities.

Before you consider your advanced training career there are also some negative reasons that you may consider. They are as follows:

or redundancy of information: If you have the initiative of self-study in some preferred or highly in demand skill but you've already learned the information requested and now your employer requires training, there is a great chance that you will be required to spend valuable time, going beyond what you already know. However, if there is a requirement "punch card" may have no choice but to attend the training.

or additional risk Taking Your career to the next level: training added may be oversold so actually may not be prepared t o go to the next level. Study carefully this factor before making a decision.

Advanced career training, in General, serves as an integral part of life-long training and career development. If however, the key ingredients to advance your career in additional training, approach the task with a positive attitude and will maximize the results to your career.

John Groth is a former Executive coach and career HR. Find Ideas of career training, valuable articles and a free career planning guide for seven days. Discover up-to-date career strategies and recruitment at our career blog idea all to help you advance and develop your career.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Career planning or career Change-four actions critical to the success of the overall career!

You worked for an employer for some years. But things don't seem right only. Maybe it's a new boss, or a new CEO, but things aren't what they used to be. Your career seems to be going nowhere. For whatever reason, your task doesn't get you going in the morning, if in fact, some morning dread going to work.

But what now? You know that you could do more. How to jump start your career and keep it sharp and cool and your high-interest? If you're trying to do a job well planned, change or just want to light a fire under your career path you study uninspiring, the following action change toolkit.

To make a change effectiveness in your career or get back on the fast track you must study the following four ideas to action.

1. what is your purpose career? What should I do? Do the analysis and find out once and for all what should be done. Each possesses a call or a single purpose. Each one is unique and this uniqueness it shows in a career that we intended to do. Connect the dots from living your career goal. Start with thinking about how and why you are in your current career. Everything is currently valid? If not, find out why.

2. have you ever written your career mission? If you maybe it's time to take a careful review of the Declaration of intent. Rewrite if necessary. If you haven't written mission statement career now would be a productive time to get it done. You can add a sense of purpose, direction and focus in te decisions regarding your career or career change.

3. you have your writing career goals? If it is now time to think about them and write them down. It is essential to set your short, intermediate and long-term career goals. Do you want to be able to view and monitor progress. For example, if you career goal is to read 120 books in the next five years, scrambling and track to two per month. If you don't track the goal within the month, will do you no good trying to catch up in the last month and try to read 60 books.

4. Motivating Actions begin with small steps. Destructive habits do not occur overnight. Lack of physical fitness of a person, for example, not a day goes by fit to walk two miles. Rather it is the accumulation of daily, weekly, and perhaps years of lack of physical activity.

The same can be said for your career. You have the skills to make daily changes to small but significant in your purpose, determination and commitment. Over time, some just twenty-one days, attitude and self-confidence will grow as these build small improvements and grow. This results in accelerating your motivation to make your career goals a reality.

Use these four ideas from your career building toolkit and will succeed if you are looking to change careers or just want to get the emotion in your current job. Studying, planning, definition of objectives and actions you'll be well on its way to eager to go to work every morning.

John Groth is a former Executive coach and career HR. Find Career changing ideas, precious items and a free seven-day career planning guide. Discover up-to-date career strategies and recruitment at our Guide to employment planning all to assist you in advancing and manage your career.

Need to change your career? 5 critical factors you need to know before you Jump Ship

There are some days when cringe at the thought of staying at your current job for another year. In fact, sometimes you wonder if it's worth it to stay there for another week.

But do yourself a favour by taking into consideration the critical factor 5 that impact your successful career change.

One factor. You must protect your sanity by taking time to understand what it is that you really want from your career and life.

Here is the reality that you must come to grips with the need to change your career often breeds unrest.

It is during these moments of discomfort and unrest when you escape from your career crisis and hide from reality.

* Do not hide the fact that your career this is not the delivery of what should be.

* Take a proactive stance by making strategic career move that makes you feel more energized and vibrant.

Two factor: You must understand that the need to change your career must be recognized ... and then supported.

First standing for who you are and what you want.

Make a career change that fits who you are and what you're trying to do with your life.

Three factor: recognize that during the riots, must take action.

When you feel the need to change your career ... take a deep breath and then step out of your comfort zone.

* Start always intimately know who you are and what is that you really want out of your life and career.

* Then pair your passion and your heart that ideal career matches which makes dance your heart and the spark of passion.

* Singe deal with positioning yourself for the job of your dreams.

Factor four: don't let the need to change your career go unnoticed.

Push your career dreams by spending time getting to know you.

* Start by consulting advice, strategies and tips on changing Your career [].

* And then begin to evaluate which career move will make more sense for you.

* Reading the secret ingredient for assessing whether a career is Right For You to learn more.

Factor five: don't spend another year to remain stuck in a career that does not fit your passion.

Now is the best time to start planning your career change.

Here is for your successful career change!

* Signed: MBA, Latarsha Lytle, career change positioning strategist, your motivational coach ... and your biggest fan!

Latarsha Lytle, MBA is a motivational speaker and certified Life Coach and career goal holding (1) a MBA in Business strategy and (2) a second Master in Marketing , with an emphasis in Branding and positioning.

Her passion is helping people

* First identify their SweetSpot-what that were made to do and be,

* Then works with them to position their SweetSpot in signing a career or business:

(a) that fits their passion, their life and pay them their value ...

(b) all while allowing them to leave their legacy and mark worldwide.

For more information about how to find ideas of small companies that fit your passion and your life, go to

OR ...

For more information about positioning yourself for career success. go to []

Career choices-keep your powder dry

Wherever you look, it is clear that there is a deep and broad selection of career choices. If is a hands-on position in building or sitting behind the desk, working on a computer, everyone has some idea of what is an attractive career. However, while making a career choice after 50 years are simply a matter of following a dream to some, for others it means a lot of research and soul searching. It also requires working in some jobs where there is not for you. This can only help you focus on the right career.

More than just a matter of skills and desire and matching interests, also becomes a matter of educational requirements, money and especially intervene. Without even trying, choosing the right career grow and can become one of the most important decisions an individual's life. And becomes even more important in the planning of career after 50.

It used to be that one followed in the footsteps of their father or grandfather or took over the family business when it came to making a career choice. These days, the by shifting labour market means career choices can wax and wane. A career path can start anywhere and with a few years veer off into something totally different.

Many times, an individual will start in a job in an industry or modify, and work their way up or way down in an occupation of fitting more somewhere else in the industry. Career choices more delicate are those that change the industry altogether. Many HR managers and recruiters are reluctant to recommend the appointment of a candidate from another industry, although this attitude seems to change.

However, having a career that fits your interests and personalities considered to be important for an individual well being. Not only does a career choice put a person stronger skills and interests, is also something that will do on a consistent basis to bring in income. Career of a person is something that most closely identifies with, perhaps even a bit of an attachment.

That's why a career choice after 50 can be such a personal decision. At the same time, the career choices have to be realistic and well thought out. It is not uncommon for individuals to start a career path and realize they made a terrible mistake. Feeling as if it may be too late to turn around, many try to make the best of their decision, but never fully enjoy their work and career. It was said to love what you are doing and really isn't a "job".

Previously it used to be unusual for someone to change occupations or careers more than once or twice in a lifetime, is now even more unusual keep the same career during someone's life. There are a great many resources to help you in choosing the right profession. A number of websites that offer tools such as tests of career and educational resources, information and resume services can be found all over the web.

While it is important to the search for a vocation and career in this dynamic and ever-changing economy and the market square, keeping the options open to various related career choices, or self-employment, is more intelligent.

For detailed information about planning your career, especially for finding a new career after 50, visit. Read the stories of those over 50 who planned a career change and found new careers after 50.

Aptitude tests online-changing career aptitude tests

Taking an aptitude test online is something that you need to consider if you want to change your career. There are thousands of other people who are confused about what would be the ideal career choice for them. Don't be ashamed if you are one of them. Remember, it's not just you who are facing the same dilemma. Being unsure about your career is just a sign that you should consider taking a career assessment.

Often, our innate talent lie dormant within us and unless we have the opportunity to express ourselves, our talents are not limelight. In addition, may be the case that you have more than one interest, and then it becomes difficult for you to choose what would be the ideal career for you. Now, in such situations, an aptitude test online career comes into play.

What are career aptitude tests online?

Aptitude tests basically assess how to perform tasks or react to different situations. If you are taking an aptitude test, then you have to answer a series of questions from different categories. Your answers will determine your strong attitudes and your scores are related to others who have done testing.

There are no correct or incorrect answers in a test career. The model of such tests is usually objective, where you have to tick the answer that you think is right. There may be some questions we will ask you to vote for an answer on a scale of 1-5 or 10-1.

The length of an aptitude test online can vary. Some, it may end in a few minutes and some you might take a little longer. You can consider online aptitude tests that are available for free, if you are hesitant to spend money behind a test, or just want to get descriptions of capacity.

Why you should take a career test like?

If you're stumped and cannot make the right decision about your career or if you want a career change, then these tests really help much. With the help of an aptitude test, you can acquire different career options for yourself and finish with the one where you will have to accomplish a lot. Furthermore, these tests will not only help you in changing careers or planning them but also help you in your job search.

Based on the results of aptitude test, you can take the correct decision about your career change, thus saving yourself from a miserable life with the kind of work you were totally unsuitable. Remember, it is very important that you are satisfied with your work to spend a happy life. Many times, do not understand that we need a change of career to put our lives back on track.

So, if for any reason you are bothered with your career or you are unsure about choosing your career, then you must take an aptitude test online soon. Identify your strengths and potential career, Polish your resume and find the job that you can enjoy truly from the core of your heart. Once you fall in love with your work, you will Excel in it.

Paul Sarwanawadya offers information free online aptitude test to help career changers pursue their ideal careers. Directs an informational website that provides advice on taking career aptitude tests online for the preparation of a change of midlife career. Please 's visit to obtain more information online aptitude test of quality.

7 life changing benefits of defining career goals

Realize your career? Don't have a clear vision of your future? You could do your job in your sleep? Maybe you should develop a career plan with clearly set out the objectives. If you have a career plan, with a focus of something to aim for, something to work for, a method to measure progress, you will discover a variety of positive results.

There is one thing you need to do before you start your journey. Write your career goals. It cannot be emphasised to much that your career goals must be written. Shall be measurable and attainable. Do not try to jump the Grand Canyon jump. Keep career objectives in a series of smaller steps. If you plan on reading, for example, 120 books in the next five years, i.e. two per month. Make your goal in your career plan to read two books per month. This is much easier to reach and keep score.

Don't forget to add a component of fitness career plan. How is your fitness level? See the doctor and then to start. A person physically fit, knows their increased concentration and stamina enable them to perform their work at a higher level. Don't overlook this aspect of your career plan.

Also, when draft up your career goals, focus on the top three to five goals. Write them on a card. Put a copy in your address book, on the visor. Write them out on your laptop or screen saver mode whenever you turn on your computer to read the career goals.

Setting career goals can provide you with the following range of benefits that will help you grow and grow your career.

1. Goals, which will give you a focus, a picture that you want to be. With this image firmly set in your mind, you will find ways to move toward your goal.

2. progress towards a goal can be a great motivator. How to reach each milestone that gives you the motivation to move forward, to continue to improve.

3. the success comes to those who set career goals. Once you begin to work towards an objective written you have set the expected result image in your mind and will set aside time and put forth the effort to achieve the goal.

4. your confidence will increase as every step in your career objective is achieved. Building on this trust gives the effort required to work at and get to the next in your career plan.

5. whenever we have set a goal and reaching it grows as a person. This allows us to build on our knowledge and experience base to reach farther.

6. Reaching personal goals and career will develop one of the most important attitudes that measure success. As you become more confident, will become more positive. Is the vision of the future will be more assured and confident attitude will attract more positive people to you and more positive things will happen to you.

7. With one of your career goals to improve your fitness level, as you become more fit, you will develop your enjoyment of the world around you. Your ability at work more hours will not sap your strength. You will be able to do things in your off hours that allows you to add spice to your life. You will have more balance in your life and this will lead to adventures even more interesting.

So the benefits of defining career goals are that you give a focus, which generate the motivation, they develop successful, increase confidence, allow you to grow as a person, build a positive attitude and carry a balance and enjoyment in your life.

Now is the best time to start your career planning. With that you will start even experimenting with these seven benefits of long life important career goals.

John Groth is a former Executive coach and career HR. Find career planning Ideas, valuable articles and a free career planning guide for seven days. Discover the career until now and recruitment strategies to our blog of idea of career; everything to help you advance and plan your career.

Career transition – tips for managing change of career!

Make the change with these helpful tips!

Have you ever thought, in the midst of career, why not more are excited to get up and go to work each morning? It could mean that it has not given much thought before you starting to work in your current career? If the answer to the last question is "Yes", what can be done to quit a job do not love?

If you are cursing your task now may be time to make a change. Really, it's never too late to make a career change decision. Short of seeking help from a coach career there are some steps you can take to make a career transition.

Firstly, I do not think of your career as defined by your job title. This one-dimensional approach will usually not productive in analyzing your method of sourcing your career direction. Your current career is really composed of two factors: one is defined by job duties, skills you bring to work, your knowledge base and its overall capacity. Secondly to analyze is the career field, what industry you work?

Since you have decided that you need to make a career change, it is important to realize how do editing another career. It is essential that you know which part of your current job do not want. Answer the question: is the industry that is the problem, or just the work, or is it both?

Now here is where many go wrong. Change their career and the industry. A better option is to change careers to continue to work in the same field. You could change the industry, but with the same job.

For example, you build teams and managing people, but at the retail level, with its seasonal fluctuations and sometimes weekly hours available. So try a more stable situation, where your team building and management skills can be used. You will find a comparable position with great insurance claim processing centre.

Or you work in an administrative position in a large medical centre. You will find the lack of a degree in medicine, it comes back later in your career. However, enjoy the medical field, then look for a position with an organization more personable smaller that sells or consults with the largest medical centers.

Once you've roughed out a new career direction, the next step is the search options. If you find that more training is needed, perhaps evening classes at a local college could close the gap. Many times this can be accomplished with a concentrated course of self-learning. Don't forget the option valuable to interview a number of people who currently work in the career you want. Answers to your questions prepared will lead you further studio production. All designed to produce a resume that will get you noticed and a job in the new career, new industry or both.

The most difficult step of any career transition is the correct analysis that will give you the desired direction. Recognize that you may have to take a pay cut, or make a career transition through a series of employers. However, detailed planning and some hard work that you will find the right job where it will be a joy to go to work every morning.

John Groth is a former Executive coach and career HR. Find Ideas of career transition, valuable articles and a free seven-day career planning guide. Discover up-to-date career strategies and recruitment to our Job Search Guide all to assist you in advancing and manage your career.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Career assessment-stay or go?

Career assessment: Now is a good time to carefully evaluate and assess you career.

Here is the middle of October and the other day I noticed a nicely decorated Christmas tree in a department store, while the leaves are still on the trees and I was still mowing my grass. Talk of run of the season. But maybe there is another season that must be brought to the present. Instead of waiting until the new year to perform a thorough career check-up, with the holidays and everything else is in the way, now is an excellent time for you to take a careful look of your career.

How is progressing your career? Where are you now, what do you expect in the near future, and you are satisfied with your progress? A new beginning?

Do not be like a lot of people who do the work and career decisions based on just one or two factors. These decisions should be thought carefully before you change employers or to go in a different career. If you run a wide-ranging career not captured in making career decisions on offences or minor superficial differences. There are more important considerations that completely outweigh these minor distractions in the short term.

Instead of taking career decisions based on short-term factors like you got the last promotion, is your current pay competitive or even how well you get with your boss, your career assessment should be based on a whole series of factors. Don't make the mistake of hastily jumping into another job or become unemployed and then you have to regret the move.

Here are four key factors involved in a career Check-up. Take your time to carefully evaluate each factor.

What is the situation of your employer?

How well is your employer doing financially? Are sales and market share increasing or decreasing? Is your employer a leader and keep up-to-date with the latest trends and technology? Evaluate the reputation of your company in your industry and community, and how this impacts your own career goals.

Is your career negotiable?

What is the current demand for your skills? Be honest with yourself and consult with others in the same location with other employers. You are up-to-date with professional work requirements and the level of work above you? Critically examine this factor. We all, at one time or another, tend to inflate our skills and knowledge to work. What was the recent experience of others in the same field who elected to change employers?

Is your professional career development on track?

Use your skills in your current job? What is your future career growth potential? Your current job using your interests and strengths? Is your current job challenging? You have a say in how your work is performed? Are your ideas try and listen to? What is your potential to advance further with your current employer? And how does your future to your current employer mesh with your career plan?

What are Your personal preferences?

Enjoy your work? Most days are positive? How do you feel about getting up every day and go to work? Is your work personally satisfying? Are you thinking of changing jobs?

If you decide your current situation and promising and rewarding career, even in the face of minor distractions, this assessment will validate your current position. If you find areas that need improvement, develop a plan to address the short fall. However, if you're faced with mainly negative responses, and there are no limits on your career opportunities with your current employer, you might consider looking at other employment prospects.

John Groth is a former Executive coach and career HR. Go to the Career Network and find great resources, articles and a free career planning guide for seven days. Discover up-to-date career strategies and recruitment blog at our all to assist you in planning and managing your career.

Westpac puts 28 IT jobs under review

background blue line Wednesday 18th January, 2012

Westpac puts 28 IT jobs under review   
     Wednesday 18th January, 2012  Source: Business News

Westpac Banking Corporation has put the future of 28 IT management roles in doubt by commencing a review of their roles as part of a group-wide restructure.
Westpac on Tuesday informed the employees in BT Financial Group and Westpac Institutional Bank that their jobs were under review.
However, a final decision on which jobs would be cut has not ...
Judith Clark drove the getaway car in a robbery that went wrong. Two police officers and a security guard were killed. While Clark was unarmed and did not take part in the shootings she was sentenced to serve 75 years in prison. She is now 31 years into that term.

Breaking News
Wednesday 18th January, 2012

Our network flyer service provides a medium for putting your important news into a flyer on the web.
Whether it be a new product launch, announcing a community event, promoting a Web site, or advertising your business, then our Network Flyers service is for you.
Click here for more details

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Novartis to Cut 1,960 Jobs, Take Charges on Diovan, Tekturna

background blue line Wednesday 18th January, 2012

Novartis to Cut 1,960 Jobs, Take Charges on Diovan, Tekturna   
     Tuesday 17th January, 2012  Source: Business Week

Jan. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Novartis AG will cut 1,960 jobs in the U.S. and take $1.22 billion of charges to prepare for lower sales of two blood-pressure drugs.
Judith Clark drove the getaway car in a robbery that went wrong. Two police officers and a security guard were killed. While Clark was unarmed and did not take part in the shootings she was sentenced to serve 75 years in prison. She is now 31 years into that term.

Breaking News
Wednesday 18th January, 2012

Our network flyer service provides a medium for putting your important news into a flyer on the web.
Whether it be a new product launch, announcing a community event, promoting a Web site, or advertising your business, then our Network Flyers service is for you.
Click here for more details

View the original article here

Career success-adaptation

In the last 30-40 years of career counselors and career coaches published books, conducted seminars and driven people in plotting career paths. Everyone was looking for the quickest way to the corner office and career advisors earned a good living mapping of career plans for young professionals.

Secure jobs and the opportunity to work their whole lives for an employer has given the guru of career path a real purpose to provide a guide to expose the plans and career paths. The concept of career planning and career paths defined must be re-examined. The story of work most likely of those starting in the last ten years, change jobs or careers several times throughout his life. In addition, most typically changes of job or career you point blank.

Many times we define what we do, what our career is and what we do for a living. During our work we try many jobs. Fast food restaurant, or the local Wal-Mart or summer job during College, try many jobs with different boss in various industrial sectors. Hopefully, we find something that we are avid about. If found early enough we can spend our working life mastering career and skills that go with it.

In today's changing economy and the workplace is becoming increasingly difficult to hit career home run at the start of their working life. It is more natural for many different travel routes, before finding a vocation that really fits you wishes and interests.

Looking for new challenges seem to be the norm, when many reach their early 40 's. Career changes, at any age are normal and natural. As we build on our achievements and what is significant here is prepared for the changes and adjustments of future career.

There are still some professions where there is a relentless path that leads to career mastery. Physicians and lawyers come to mind, but there are some similar career paths in the corporate world.

For example, IT professionals must reinvent themselves every year or two. The skills and knowledge base change so quickly in the field of technology if you're not constantly updating your skills you will find your career ending with the advancement of technology.

The overall message is to be open to changes and learn to be flexible. Be looking for master new skills, so you can make your career more valuable. Another advantage of being flexible and learning new concepts and skills will likely lead to the career and work that will be more satisfied, and who knows even passionate. Good luck on your journey.

John Groth is a former Executive coach and career HR. Find career development Information, valuable articles and a free career planning guide for seven days. Discover up-to-date career strategies and recruitment to our blog idea career all to assist you in advancing and manage your career.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Baldor Electric to add 166 jobs in Cleveland County

background blue line Wednesday 4th January, 2012

Baldor Electric to add 166 jobs in Cleveland County   
     Tuesday 3rd January, 2012  Source: Charlotte Business Journal

Follow this company is buying an existing 270,000-square-foot building on U.S.
Highway 74 to boost the company's local production of electric motors that are used in wind-power applications.
Baldor is investing $17 million in the operation. Cleveland County Manager
Barack Obama may well be down in the popularity polls, but not because of the Republican Party. Indeed the incoherent Republicans are struggling to come up with a viable candidate to take on Obama in the 2012 U.S. presidential election.

Breaking News
Wednesday 4th January, 2012

Our network flyer service provides a medium for putting your important news into a flyer on the web.
Whether it be a new product launch, announcing a community event, promoting a Web site, or advertising your business, then our Network Flyers service is for you.
Click here for more details

View the original article here

Merkel Resumes Crisis Fight as German President Scrutiny Grows

background blue line Wednesday 4th January, 2012

Merkel Resumes Crisis Fight as German President Scrutiny Grows   
     Tuesday 3rd January, 2012  Source: Business Week

Jan. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Chancellor Angela Merkel returns from a two-week break to the front line of the debt crisis amid a clamor over the conduct of Germany's president that threatens to damage her own standing and detract from her efforts to defend the euro.
Barack Obama may well be down in the popularity polls, but not because of the Republican Party. Indeed the incoherent Republicans are struggling to come up with a viable candidate to take on Obama in the 2012 U.S. presidential election.

Breaking News
Wednesday 4th January, 2012

Our network flyer service provides a medium for putting your important news into a flyer on the web.
Whether it be a new product launch, announcing a community event, promoting a Web site, or advertising your business, then our Network Flyers service is for you.
Click here for more details

View the original article here

Friday, January 13, 2012

More Employment, More Trade and Services

background blue line Wednesday 4th January, 2012

Nicaragua: More Employment, More Trade and Services   
     Wednesday 4th January, 2012  Source: Prensa Latina

Managua, Jan 4 (Prensa Latina) Trade and services will keep their upward trend in Nicaragua in 2012 as employment sources increase, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce Eduardo Fonseca said on Tuesday.
Fonseca recognized that those fields are above average of the past few years, and their growth will benefit the business people and the peo...
Barack Obama may well be down in the popularity polls, but not because of the Republican Party. Indeed the incoherent Republicans are struggling to come up with a viable candidate to take on Obama in the 2012 U.S. presidential election.

Breaking News
Wednesday 4th January, 2012

Our network flyer service provides a medium for putting your important news into a flyer on the web.
Whether it be a new product launch, announcing a community event, promoting a Web site, or advertising your business, then our Network Flyers service is for you.
Click here for more details

View the original article here

Looking for a job or for a career?

As you enter the job market, (for the first time or after a while) you might find that there are a lot of buzzwords thrown around, including career and job terms. You might be looking for a career, but you aren't going to get into the career market! Decide if you are looking for a job or a career today and how to obtain the desired location.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary work , is a piece of work that you do because of your employment. A paid employment work also describes. Careera, according to the OED, is a "person course or progress through life." This article describes the work as the place where they are employed and career as the field in which you work.

Although you might have lost your job, you can still have a career. For example, if you are a technician who was fired, chances are that you will be able to find a new job in the field. Your job may change slightly: it could become a dental technician, x-ray technician or veterinary x-ray, rather than an x-ray technician of hospital, but it still remains an x-ray technician.

You can choose to change your job or your career. For example, you might still want to have your career as a computer technician, but you want to advance to a higher paying job and more prestigious. This would mean finding a new job and quit your current job. Conversely, you might feel that you want to change your career. Perhaps you feel that you no longer want to be a computer technician and instead want to become a journalist. Career-change are longer working because that changes often require training. You are looking for experience in a field with which you have no experience. Career-job changes or changes are impossible, and often bring much happiness.

When you are looking for a new job, it is important to consider what this means for your career. Some people choose not to have a career. Rather than having an overarching objective in life, or in the field in which they specialize, they would rather just move from job to job. Might expect tables for some years, then work as a receptionist, then working in retail.

However, you can choose to have a career. In order to have a career, you must have a plan. What are your interests? What would you like to be paid? Once you have planned your goals, you may need to take some steps to achieve them. Is all well and good to watch some episodes of Law & Order and then decide that you want to be a lawyer high paid, but the reality of the matter is that you will have to go to law school for years, which is a costly and time-consuming. Also, you might find that a court in real life isn't as exciting as a series of courtroom drama. So, if you have set a goal of career, talk with people in that career. Volunteer or intern in that environment so that you know what to expect in your future life.

You can also create a career out of a job. Maybe you work as an Assistant in an Office. If you want to become a sales representative, you may need to take some courses. You may need to put in a few years behind the reception. Ask your supervisor what you have opportunities for advancement and how you can get. Another way to create a career out of a job is to work in retail and accept promotions that you get to management. The management is often more work and more hours, but the higher pay and the possibility for promotion might appeal to you.

Some people choose to work a job while trying to create a career. Many students work summer job that is not related to their field. You might want to break the same material, or may not be able to find a job in their field, until they have completed their degree. If you take a job, consider how it affects your career. Are you taking your time there until can be divided into a separate market? If so, when and how you make your move to your career? Many people work at a job, while searching for a career; If you don't keep your final objectives in your mind, you might end up staying at work that does not particularly care for much longer than was originally planned.

There are careers that are often started later in life. Many careers in Ministry started after retiring from a career first. A career in politics likewise may begin after a career in a different field.

Career planning, as the entire planning, takes both thinking short and long term. Make your goals accordingly. Write your goals so that you can defer to them and see how are proceeding.

While you are looking for a job, always think about your career. You will be able to find your ideal job if you work with diligence and not afraid of a few rejections. Then go to find that perfect job, or simply find a job, while working on building career of your dreams.

If you are looking for a career or job, starting with the perfect resume. Find everything you need to know about resume writing from The Guide to Resumes [].

How to Make Big Career Decisions a Little Easier

How do you feel about the work you're doing? Are you enlivened? Is your career headed down the path you had in mind? Or do you find yourself wondering whether it's time to make a career change that will help you meet your goals? If you're considering such a change, the enormity of this decision may be weighing on you, as you evaluate a choice that will impact more than your work life.

When making career decisions, you'll benefit by breaking the decision down into smaller parts, to help you identify the criteria most important for you. Once you identify your needs, interests, values, and ideals for your work, you will have what you need to evaluate the suitability of your current and potential future jobs.

Getting Started What are the Core Needs you have in order to become fulfilled at work?

Theorists have found that we are born with our Core Needs, and they stay with us throughout our lives. Individuals, either consciously or unconsciously, tend to look for ways to have these needs met. When met, people feel energized and enlivened. When missing, people tend to feel more drained of energy and dissatisfied. Therefore, the extent you can align your Core Needs to your work will enable you to realize greater joy and satisfaction.

Questions you may ask to clarify your own Core Needs include:

1. What do you consider essential in order to be fulfilled at work?

2. What are your most cherished values?

3. In what ways do you prefer to interact with others?

4. How do you like to get your work done?

The outcomes of such questions result in your ability to identify your core needs, values, and preferred approach to your work. Take your responses, and start a list of each need you have, and how important each need is. An example is offered below.

Career Decision Criteria CORE NEEDS ~ RELATIVE IMPORTANCE *Make a significant impact ~ Must Have *Skillful performance ~ Must Have *Variety ~ Must Have *Contextual Thinking ~ Must Have *Ability to take the time necessary to get the best result ~ Must Have

What are your Compelling Interests and Motivations? The second set of questions to ask yourself will help you identify your Compelling Interests and Motivations. Researchers suggest that our interests and motivations tend to stabilize by our mid-twenties, meaning you may experience a bit more change in this area than in your Core Needs. As your career progresses, you're likely to find this area stabilize.

Identify your Compelling Interests and Motivations by exploring these questions:

1. What kinds of occupations have you always found most interesting?

2. What subjects are most interesting to you?

3. What work activities have you enjoyed the most, and why?

4. What do you find particularly motivating?

5. What do you never grow tired of talking about?

Once you uncover your Compelling Interests and Motivations, you will be able to identify your most compelling occupational themes, interests, and motivating factors that will provide another set of inputs towards your decision.

Career Decision Criteria COMPELLING INTERESTS/MOTIVATIONS ~ RELATIVE IMPORTANCE *Helping others in original, imaginative ways ~ Must Have *Independence ~ Must Have *Writing ~ Must Have

When you're aware of your Core Needs, Compelling Interests, and Motivations, you'll have a much greater ability to weigh various career decisions against this set of criteria that is true to your ideal career qualities.

Of course, the complexity of a career decision doesn't stop there. There are at least three, and possibly numerous additional criteria categories you have for your career. The three aspects we'll cover next are the places where you may find the most change throughout your work life.

What is your preferred work Context? Context has to do with who you serve in your work, who you work with, where you work, and how you work.

To clarify your preferred work place, customers, and coworkers, ask yourself questions such as:

1. Who do you want to serve in your work?

2. What qualities do you value in your coworkers, managers, and workplace?

3. Where do you want to work?

4. When do you want to do your work?

5. How do you define your ideal work day?

Career Decision Criteria PREFERRED CONTEXT ~ RELATIVE IMPORTANCE *Working from a Home Office ~ Like to Have *Having a regular and stable schedule ~ Like to Have *Having a combination of work as part of a team, and independent work ~ Like to Have *Working with people who value quality and relationships ~ Must Have

What Competencies do you want to be able to use at work? This next area, Competencies, also contains elements that will serve you and remain constant throughout your work life, while others will come and go as your work environments change. This is where you want to do some work describing the knowledge, skills, and abilities you've developed that you want to keep, and what new competencies you want to add.

These types of questions will help you identify your preferred competencies: 1. What knowledge, skills, and abilities have you developed that you enjoy using? 2. What projects or work experiences do you think of as your career highlights? 3. What new competencies interest you?

Career Decision Criteria COMPETENCIES ~ RELATIVE IMPORTANCE *Listening and identifying unmet needs of others ~ Like to Have *Communicating effectively through writing ~ Must Have *Designing customized programs for customers ~ Like to Have

What Connections are most important to you? The Connections you have throughout your Career will be diverse. Some of your connections will stay with you over many years, and others will come and go as your circumstances change.

When considering your potential change, ask yourself these questions:

1. Who do you love to be around, and why?

2. How does your spending time with these kinds of people enrich your life?

3. Who do you support, and who supports you, in your career?

Career Decision Criteria CONNECTIONS ~ RELATIVE IMPORTANCE *Opportunities to stay current and connected with others in my field ~ Must Have *Finding a mentor in my workplace ~ Like to Have *Working with peers who have similar skills ~ Like to Have

Putting it all together: After you've found clarity regarding your most important career decision criteria in the above five categories (Core Needs, Compelling Interests and Motivations, Context, Competencies, and Connections), you can build a decision table to reference as you evaluate your current job and research new jobs. To create your table, you may want to use MS Excel, or simply write all your criteria down on one sheet of paper. Your criteria will be listed along the left hand column, with the Relative Importance directly beside your criteria. Then, create a column for every job you want to evaluate against these criteria. Start with your current job. If you find that your current job truly does meet all of your needs, yet only one or two desired qualities are missing, you may want to start by exploring what possibilities there are for bringing what's missing to your workplace.

If you find yourself struggling to generate meaningful answers to the kinds of questions asked throughout this article on your own, you may want to consider working with a professional career services provider, so they can help you gain the level of clarity you need to make a sound career decision. Good career service providers offer a full range of career assessments, tools, and resources to help you make decisions and navigate through the career transition process.

The career landscape presents thousands of job choices that can be overwhelming in their diversity. This approach of breaking a big career change decision into smaller parts helps you quickly identify your values, interests, natural talents, and working style preferences, all of which will help you narrow the vast array of choices you're faced with when selecting or changing your career. Once you find clarity regarding your core needs and interests for a career, then the work of active experimentation, networking, informational interviews, and job shadowing can take place within a few targeted areas. As you align your work and workplace to your personal preferences, natural talents, and interests, you'll find that you experience much less strain and greater satisfaction in your work.

This article is provided by : Helping people clarify their goals, differentiate themselves, sell their skills to prospective employers, and get on a path to more enlivening work. Stephanie Peacocke is a career coach, certified professional resume writer and specialist in career resilience and differentiation.

New witnesses likely as Mubarak's trial resumes in Cairo

background blue line Wednesday 4th January, 2012

New witnesses likely as Mubarak's trial resumes in Cairo   
     Tuesday 3rd January, 2012  Source: Arabian Business

The trial of Egypt's former president Hosni Mubarak will resume on Tuesday when judges begin hearing arguments from prosecutors (AFP/Getty Images)
Barack Obama may well be down in the popularity polls, but not because of the Republican Party. Indeed the incoherent Republicans are struggling to come up with a viable candidate to take on Obama in the 2012 U.S. presidential election.

Breaking News
Wednesday 4th January, 2012

Our network flyer service provides a medium for putting your important news into a flyer on the web.
Whether it be a new product launch, announcing a community event, promoting a Web site, or advertising your business, then our Network Flyers service is for you.
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Brazil resumes dollar-denominated bond sale

background blue line Wednesday 4th January, 2012

Brazil resumes dollar-denominated bond sale   
     Wednesday 4th January, 2012  Source: IOL

Brazil on Tuesday resumed overseas sales of dollar-denominated bonds maturing in 2021, which are expected to bring in at least $750 million, authorities said.
Barack Obama may well be down in the popularity polls, but not because of the Republican Party. Indeed the incoherent Republicans are struggling to come up with a viable candidate to take on Obama in the 2012 U.S. presidential election.

Breaking News
Wednesday 4th January, 2012

Our network flyer service provides a medium for putting your important news into a flyer on the web.
Whether it be a new product launch, announcing a community event, promoting a Web site, or advertising your business, then our Network Flyers service is for you.
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Breast-feeding at work protected by health care law

background blue line Wednesday 4th January, 2012

Breast-feeding at work protected by health care law   
     Wednesday 4th January, 2012  Source: MSNBC

By Eve Tahmincioglu Breast-feeding avengers may be coming to a workplace near you.Women want to be able to breast feed their babies when and where they want to.
Barack Obama may well be down in the popularity polls, but not because of the Republican Party. Indeed the incoherent Republicans are struggling to come up with a viable candidate to take on Obama in the 2012 U.S. presidential election.

Breaking News
Wednesday 4th January, 2012

Our network flyer service provides a medium for putting your important news into a flyer on the web.
Whether it be a new product launch, announcing a community event, promoting a Web site, or advertising your business, then our Network Flyers service is for you.
Click here for more details

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Managers shouldn't get buried in details

background blue line Wednesday 4th January, 2012

Career advice: Managers shouldn't get buried in details   
     Tuesday 3rd January, 2012  Source: Computer World

Company: Toyota Motor Sales USA Beebe is this month's Premier 100 IT Leader, answering questions about managers who get buried in the details, the qualities lacking in new hires and more.
If you have a question you'd like to pose to one of our Premier 100 IT Leaders, send it to
Barack Obama may well be down in the popularity polls, but not because of the Republican Party. Indeed the incoherent Republicans are struggling to come up with a viable candidate to take on Obama in the 2012 U.S. presidential election.

Breaking News
Wednesday 4th January, 2012

Our network flyer service provides a medium for putting your important news into a flyer on the web.
Whether it be a new product launch, announcing a community event, promoting a Web site, or advertising your business, then our Network Flyers service is for you.
Click here for more details

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Jobs lost as historic hotel shuts

background blue line Wednesday 4th January, 2012

Jobs lost as historic hotel shuts   
     Wednesday 4th January, 2012  Source: BBC

A 200-year-old hotel in the centre of Newport has closed blaming a "severe" downturn in trade.
The Kings Hotel ceased trading on Tuesday with the loss of 20 permanent jobs.
General manager Maria Thomas said a handful of staff remained and were trying to rearrange wedding bookings.
The hotel had also been a popular music venue and hosted concerts...
Barack Obama may well be down in the popularity polls, but not because of the Republican Party. Indeed the incoherent Republicans are struggling to come up with a viable candidate to take on Obama in the 2012 U.S. presidential election.

Breaking News
Wednesday 4th January, 2012

Our network flyer service provides a medium for putting your important news into a flyer on the web.
Whether it be a new product launch, announcing a community event, promoting a Web site, or advertising your business, then our Network Flyers service is for you.
Click here for more details

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Orlando one of best places for jobs

background blue line Wednesday 4th January, 2012

Orlando one of best places for jobs   
     Wednesday 4th January, 2012  Source: News 13

ORLANDO -- It seems Orlando may be one of the best places in the nation to work.
According to the Small Business Scorecard, the City Beautiful was number two in the nation for hiring in the month of December.
It also was number three in paycheck size for the country during that same time.
The survey found hiring was up by seven percent in Orland...
Barack Obama may well be down in the popularity polls, but not because of the Republican Party. Indeed the incoherent Republicans are struggling to come up with a viable candidate to take on Obama in the 2012 U.S. presidential election.

Breaking News
Wednesday 4th January, 2012

Our network flyer service provides a medium for putting your important news into a flyer on the web.
Whether it be a new product launch, announcing a community event, promoting a Web site, or advertising your business, then our Network Flyers service is for you.
Click here for more details

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Dollar General plans 625 new stores, 6,000 jobs in 2012

background blue line Wednesday 4th January, 2012

Dollar General plans 625 new stores, 6,000 jobs in 2012   
     Wednesday 4th January, 2012  Source: Dallas Business Journal

Follow this company , which has numerous stores in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, announced that it plans to open 625 new stores and create more than 6,000 new jobs in 2012.
Barack Obama may well be down in the popularity polls, but not because of the Republican Party. Indeed the incoherent Republicans are struggling to come up with a viable candidate to take on Obama in the 2012 U.S. presidential election.

Breaking News
Wednesday 4th January, 2012

Our network flyer service provides a medium for putting your important news into a flyer on the web.
Whether it be a new product launch, announcing a community event, promoting a Web site, or advertising your business, then our Network Flyers service is for you.
Click here for more details

View the original article here

Importance of Career Planning

Career means profession, which we want to adopt for earning livelihood, and planning means proper flow or to make proper decisions.

Pre- planning in our life plays very important role in every aspect of life, to work in a proper flow, and pre-planning for career, which we want to pursue in our future ahead after acquiring certain level of degree is also very necessary in today's competitive world.

According to the Thorndike dictionary

"A goal that you desire to achieve in a selected field or occupation with a well-thought out plan, to get you there is called Career Planning."

The world is now moving very fast, and the time has come when this meritocratic society accepts only those, having right qualification and right skills.

Olden days are gone, when just a degree would help an individual to get high profile job by giving bribe or using some other mean. Now it's high time, when the transparency in job recruitment has taken place.

Challenges and competition are the part of today's society, and therefore, Career Planning is the only task, which can guide us to do what we want to do in our life, rather than just aimlessly changing job all the time in future.

We have seen many Pakistani, who after completing Intermediate don't know where to go, what to do and we have also seen graduates, who aimlessly do graduation without any specialization. As a result, they earns just in 6-8 figures.

Career Planning is one of the broader aspects of learning in our existence. We all have some intentions and we all think to have stability in our future lives, and for that purpose, CAREER PLANNING serves as a key to success.

Career Planning makes a person to think suitably about their positive and negative aspects. All about their interest, about their creativity becomes possible through proper analyzing ourselves.

Career Planning basically starts, when a person finishes Secondary/ Higher Secondary level of education. After that level, a person could opt for that educational degree, which would help them out to have a good job opportunity according to their skills at the right time.

Career Planning helps us to design and formulate our future smoothly. Like, If a person wants to be a banker, then he or she would choose to go for ACCA or CA or MBA in finance after completing Intermediate in commerce and Graduation in commerce/ business administration.. Else he/ she would go for CAT course or Masters in Commerce or even upto doctorate level.

This pre-planning would be effective and would give him/her benefits after achieving educational targets effectively. It also helps us to evaluate our own personality, which helps us to know that which kind of job would suit us according to our need and capabilities.

In short, Career Planning is like mapping our future. Without proper planning, no one could think of getting a desired job in future.

Think what we want to do and finding out more about the kind of training, education, and skills we will need to achieve our career goal is the core objective of career planning.

It help us knowing the nature of the jobs that interest us, such as educational requirements, salary, working conditions, fringe benefits, promotion chances, future prospectus, and help us focusing in the right dimension.

Career planning directs us, motivates us, and helps us to accomplish what we want. A career goal is a specific vision such as an architect or a teacher or a career goal can be a particular field, which we want to work in, such as Media, Education, Medicine, Engineering etc.

For those who will think about their future and career after completing education without any long term desired goals are the one, whose all attempt might end in smoke.

There are some cases and situation, which bound a person to pre-plan in advance, such like family high family business status, lack of interest in studies or traditional job, low motivation, low financial status etc or some past educational traumas, which had made a person to plan after wards.

Career planning is a life time process we are always learning and growing, and as we do, our interests and needs also change. Career planning is not just making plans to obtain our career, but it also help us to make many adjustments there will be along the ways we learn throughout our lives.

Those who have successful careers like educators, business man, manager, pilot, architect, banker, doctor etc are the one, who has made their ways through proper guidance.

No doubt, that our parents have some wishes and expectations from us, but we have our own too. Therefore, we should also consider others opinion. For that we could take guidance from an educational counselor to get better guidance towards new dimensional fields as well. Teacher, professionals, career guidance websites, Head educational consultants can also guide us, to have a better approach for our future.

We must have freedom of speaking and freedom of choosing our career as we have to lead our lives which interest us. We must try to have an open mind in order to choose the right career on right time.

According to one renowned professor,

"Few of us like to opt for those degree courses, which their family or friend has advised them to adopt and this inappropriate knowledge trapped them into a great mistake and

In this way, they are unable to get good job opportunities according to their interests. Only Proper Career Guidance would help an individual to be on the right path before hand. Few of us try to seek the right path and take guidance from family or teacher to tell them what is good for them, which career is in demand and which career suits their interest."

The future is un-predictable, however, we could still make our place in this meritocratic world by making career goals and plans in advance, for getting better opportunities in todays pluralistic and globalize world.

We must pre-plan our goals under the supervision of professionals in conscious state of mind, so that we could strategically maintain our goals and follow it towards the path of successful future.

Munir Moosa Sewani is one of the famous, prominent and creative name in the field of Education since 8 years. He is a Master Trainer In Special Education, Post Graduate, Teacher Educator and a Teacher. He is a Freelance Writer and Photographer too. He is an author of the famous self-published storybook for children named as "The MORAL STORIES FOR CHILDREN" and has also written Biology course book for Secondary Classes. He has written almost more than 20 articles on social, health, educational and cultural issues, which are internationally recognized and published in most of the famous world wide websites, magazines and newspapers.

He is also a Social worker, private tutor, career counselor, musician, lyrics writer and have multi- dimensional talents.

His future plan is to write dozens of informative books and articles and to work for education and media also, in order to develop the sense of understanding many dimensions of life through his creativity.