Thursday, February 16, 2012

Find Your Teen Career, Now!

Wishing to be somewhere else

When we were ten years old, we wanted to become a teen. When we are thirteen, we wanted to be sixteen, so we could drive. Then, we want to be eighteen, so we can magically become an adult and do adult things. After all this, we want to be twenty one, so we can legally drink.

Conversely, when we are older, and look back upon our life's long history, we sometimes wish we could be young again. Does it seem that we always want to be somewhere else in time? We either dwell on the past, or look toward the future. In either case, years slip by anyway, beyond our control. We can change the course of our lives within an instant, when you are in the here and now, which exists between the past and the future. How the future connects with the past, is that once the past catches up to it, it becomes the now.

Staying Anchored

Our daily lives are directed away from living each moment, through the many distractions of working and family. It is very easy to lose sight of where we wanted our focus to be. So many things outside ourselves distract us, daily. We always think it will be better somewhere else, or believe that sometime in our futures, things will become better.

We allow random circumstances to dictate our happiness, instead of us taking charge and deciding to be happy no matter what is happening around us. We go on vacations to escape our realities at home, but do not rest and reflect. We come back to the same old problems, and are ready for another vacation from the vacation we just took. There is a place for us to find peace, within the present moment. It should be a passenger aboard every vacation. It is the principle at the core of every meditation technique in the world.

Work and Play

I have heard some people proud to say that they work hard, and play hard. But, if you have found an occupation you have a passion and true ability for, you do not have to work hard at it. The jobs you have a weak aptitude for are the very jobs that tax all your energy and bring you down. When you play, is it not for the sheer enjoyment of it? Why play hard? Playing hard makes play into a type of work you will not enjoy. I see play as relaxation, a renewal of spirit and energy, and a time of reflection and peace. Everyone has his or her own preferences.

Questions and Answers

Question - If we arbitrarily decide to be happy, does this intention materially influence things outside ourselves in an unexplainable way? Answer - Have you ever noticed that when we are feeling on the top of the world, nothing seems to go wrong? Why is this? That is because how you choose to think, creates a feeling. Positive feelings come through consistently thinking positive thoughts. If you are feeling great, you are thinking the right thoughts. If something goes wrong while you are in this positive state of mind and emotions, it will not seem like a problem at all. It is only when you are in the state of being upset, or think negative thoughts, that a problem starts getting out of proportion, and becomes overwhelming.

Maybe, we think too much, about how things should not be in our lives, instead of accepting things the way they are. After all, we cannot control a lot of what happens outside us, so why get so upset? How does getting upset help things? We can only control how we choose to think. So, why do we review our day's problems before we go to sleep? Why not instead, visualize the career we would rather be in, before we go to sleep?

Go with the Flow

Time is like a stream, while we typically paddle our boat upstream. There is the part behind you, going over the waterfall into oblivion, and the part ahead of you that you are paddling to.

If we were to look upon the concept of time as actually being a force, taking us down stream (But, without the Waterfall) without any effort on our part, would we not learn that the best way to live our lives was to take the path of least resistance? If you were feeling content in the moment you were floating down stream, you would also know that the easiest and best way to confront the stream is to flow with it. Have you ever heard the expression - "Go with the Flow?" Choosing to focus within the present moment is taking the path of least resistance.

Living within Each Moment

If you are a teen, maybe you feel you have not lived yet. However, if you are not living now, when will you? Possibly, you think you will have it all together when you become an adult. Personally, I know that it took me a very long time to mature. Legally speaking, you are an adult in the eyes of the law, when you are eighteen. Nevertheless, how mature and serious can anyone actually be at that age? There are exceptions to every rule, but most teens know that they had better have their fun now, before they get old.

In my opinion, feelings are the forces that guarantee success in whatever one does. Have you ever noticed that highly successful people do not seem to be controlled by their problems? They seem to take them in stride, and focus on strategies to meet the problem as a challenge. They do not throw their hands up and fall down into deep despair and depression. I would bet money they do not dwell upon the negative aspects of the problem itself, but knowingly or unknowingly project an image of the desired outcome they wish for, within their minds.

The Genius Inside

I believe there is untapped genius within every one of us. Where it resides, is within our unconscious minds. The genius is our unconscious minds. The unconscious, is the part of us that you can reach through symbolism, visualizations, meditation, and feelings. This is also the part of us, which cannot differentiate between what is real and what is not real. The unconscious entity does not know the difference between right and wrong. It does not discern and it does not judge. If you want something in the future, create the feeling you would feel if you had already achieved it, and visualize what you want, as already delivered to your door.

Do these things and your unconscious will give you clues in your daily life to attain your goals. Have you ever noticed that someone without goals has no direction? Have you noticed someone who is always negative, seems to draw even more hardships to himself? What I am saying, is that however you choose to think will bring about a corresponding feeling inside you. In addition, what you say to yourself can be a self-fulfilling prophecy and materialize in reality what you focus on the most. In other words, if you are a negative thinker, you will create additional negative feelings, and therefore breed even more. Negative thinking and negative emotions can lead to the actual sickening and break down of the human body.

Steps to Ideal Career Discovery

If you wish to discover your ideal dream career, do these things often...
Be ever conscious of and aware of your surroundings. Observe where your thoughts go. See what kinds of feelings these thoughts create within your body.
Always vigilantly keep an inner ear tuned in to your gut feelings and intuition. It speaks softly. You need to learn to recognize its voice, when it speaks to you about which careers would be right for you. Follow your inclinations and try a few part time jobs out. If it leads you to volunteering, do it. You can put the job experience on your resume for future job applications. Your inner voice will lead you to success, happiness, keep you from danger, keep you away from the wrong people, and most undoubtedly will save your life - If you will only allow it to.
Take action on a well thought out plan. Be willing to alter your course along the way. Be flexible and creative. Career goals must be a clearly written plan, well thought out. Often, the career you think you wanted will not be the one. Along the way, another career option will present itself to you.
Learn to Meditate. It will center you. There are many forms of meditation, yet they all have one thing in common. The focus is, to be in the present moment. I teach this in my stress management pages on my web site, if you are interested in learning the technique.
Take a career assessment test. These tests can give you ideas for careers you had never thought of.
Be in charge of directing your thoughts - Do it consciously, and deliberately. Some thoughts seem to happen automatically. Do not fight, ignore, or try to change them, because you cannot. You can only direct your attention to another thought or to another place that is better, instead.
Visualize how your ideal job would look and how it would feel to be in it, right now. Remember the working feelings it brings you, and hold onto these. Eventually, you will experience the same career feelings within the actual job itself, at some point in the future. The feelings you generate will prompt your subconscious to bring you more of the same.
The past is gone - Therefore, you are not your past. You do not have to be a product of your past or a product of your parents. It does not matter who told you who you were. It is only a voice in the past, stuck in your head. Be your own deciding voice about who you actually are. Redefine yourself, in your own opinion, with your own words.
The future is not here, yet. In truth, if you stay conscious within each waking moment, you are moving forward in time. This is how change begins. You direct change, within each conscious moment. Float down stream, not paddle up.
Only in the now, can you do what you need to do to get to where it is you wish to go to next.


Believe that your ideal career is already yours and will be delivered to you. Note, that there is a best career choice for everyone. You just have to match your natural born talents and abilities to the right jobs.

The subconscious is a strange place that few understand. It is almost like, if you keep thinking the same thoughts, visualizing the same vision, and feel the same feelings, that over a period of time, it will believe that this is what you want. It will create that situation or circumstance, and materialize from nothing what it is you focus on the most, be it good or be it bad.

Happy people seem to draw good things into their lives. Unhappy people seem to draw more unhappiness to themselves. Many have come out of bad situations, poverty, and miserable lives to achieve great things and success. Why is this so? It cannot be anything other than how one chooses to think about something the most. Adversity and problems solved are looked upon either as a challenge, or something that is worrisome. The choice is yours. How will you have your life turn out? Do you want the career success and happiness that follows, from discovering your ideal career, or do you want to be stuck not knowing what you want to do to make a living?

Reminder - Listen to yourself and the subtle hints that come through to you to guide you to your essential career goals.

Steve Humphreys

Key to ideal career discovery is self-knowledge. Find, develop, and plan your career choice with our self-help resources. Teens, career changers, or job searchers will find helpful advice and articles about career tests, resumes, interviews, and more. Let us help you find your dream career on your journey.

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