Monday, February 20, 2012

Carriera di successo di cambiamento in 10 semplici passi

They decided that this year is really going to change career? Fantastic! There are exciting to embark on a journey, but it is one that will be worth the time and effort you invest in it. I really owe it to yourself to finally get out of that job of junk that was frustrating. All you need is a genuine commitment to see this through a simple process and 10 stages to follow. Believe me, it really is possible to make changes!

What is the secret of success?

There is no magic answer that just may happen overnight, but if you follow the 10 steps outline below, I guarantee you will be well on your way to making the change to a career that will enjoy.

Get your mind right

Many attempts to change career fail because the underlying attitude impedes the success. It is important that work from the beginning to have a positive approach. Treat your career change as an exciting project and any challenges that you run against will be things that make the journey interesting.

As done so far?

Look back on your career so far and consider how you got to this point in your career. What made you choose your current line of work? What were the bad and good points about your career so far? What are the lessons that you can take from the past?

What I'm selling?

A successful career change always involves a careful review of skills, interests and values so that you know what you are ' selling ' to prospective employers. If you want to be happy in your work, you should take advantage of your natural talent and ability and what to do should fit in with your values more deeply had.

What is my personality?

Understand the type of person you are is a very important part of the process of career change and career changers many forget to consider it. If you are thinking about a new career that does not match with your personality, you run the risk of ending up in a job that is frustrating and unrewarding.

Do your research

View out there in the world of work as well as looking at yourself. There are many jobs that do not appear in the lists of careers. Adopt a proactive, looking for new opportunities, taking into account the work could initially are out of reach, ask others about their jobs to expand your thinking.

Display the results of all your searches

Put the outcome of your review and your exploration of the world of work in a file and go to it regularly. Ask yourself what ideas feel right for you career. Think about what you would do if you knew you couldn't fail-what a dream career would pursue?

Challenge questions

Yes, we all have our doubts, we all hesitate when faced with making a big career change. But these apologies are often just that-apologies. Back to their habit. Just imagine what it would be like if you just did? I challenge you-for once in your life, take a courageous step forward!

Take a creative approach to your job search

After choosing a new career direction, not just waiting for the perfect job advertisement to appear. Go look at it. Take advantage of all people know, speak with your contacts, network, let people know what you are looking for at all. Are much more likely to find something, if you take a proactive and creative approach.

Update your CV or resume

It is not enough to dust off the old resume and modify it a bit. Will need a complete overhaul so that you really focus on skills that will take you to the new line of work you are aiming for. Avoid simply saying their basic facts-show the recruiter to meet their needs and be ready to promote yourself positively!

Do thorough preparation for interviews that you get

Make sure you have the last step right. When you get invited to interview that almost there are! Make sure you have the skill and quality tests on the tip of the tongue, so you can prove that you have what your new employer is looking for. Since we really believe in yourself. If you don't-expect?

Never forget that you are the only person that will make this happen. All you need to do is to write the first step take-then go ahead and do it!

And if you still need more ideas and inspiration to help with career change, then I invite you to take a look at How to change careers where you will find a myriad of career change ideas to get moving. You can also download my free Blueprint career change that takes you through a simple process of 5 stages of successful career change. Also features a large bundle of bonuses, so don't miss out!

By Douglas cherry-your career change guide

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