Monday, December 26, 2011

What to consider when making a career change

You feel satisfied with your current career? If you find that you are unhappy with your current job or career, you're not alone. The average American changes careers between three and five times in his life.

While the process of changing careers can be a bit stressful, there are some steps that can be taken to facilitate the transition from one career to another. They include an assessment of their current career, identification of the reasons why the change is justified, analysis of career options and changing the skills and education to meet the basic requirements for success in the new career choice.

The first step to take in making a career change is to assess your current career to determine that a career change is in your best interest. If your dissatisfaction at work is fleeting or related to a problem or a short-term event, a career change can be premature or unjustified. In such cases, it is generally better to wait until after the stress has passed in the short term to assess your level of career satisfaction. However, if your career dissatisfaction has been consistent and long term, then a career change can indeed be in order.

Once you have confirmed that a career change is justified, the next step is to identify the reasons behind your desire to change careers. Determine the factors that contribute to your current career dissatisfaction ultimately will help to eliminate other possible career options that can share the same characteristics. For example, if a manager doesn't like restaurant often work until midnight, then it would be wise to remove from consideration any careers as nurses or dealership that may involve shift work at night.

Just as important as knowing the factors leading to career dissatisfaction is the identification of any pleasant aspects of their current career. Awareness fun aspects of a career will be helpful in narrowing numerous career options that exist. For example, if a dental office managers do not like the client billing management and insurance problems but enjoys face-to-face interaction with patients, perhaps with more contact positions health patient should be considered. In this case, viable career options may include medical Assistant or dental hygienist.

After narrowing vital career options based on your identification of funny and unpleasant aspects of your current career, the next step is to consider the educational needs and the skills necessary to succeed in any career option identified in conjunction with their level of education and training. Career transition is much smoother and easier to implement in cases where a person's level of education and training is a good match with the level of education and training generally required to flourish in that career. For example, a doctor of Psychology who wants to stop clinical practice and become a College Professor would have a smoother transition Chair than a manager of shipping in Italy with the same aspirations that lacks a college or college degree.

The final step in completing a career change is complete any further educational requirements or training needed to qualify for such a career. For example, the office manager who wants to become a dental hygienist would have to enroll in an accredited dental hygiene program and complete any required supervised training before being eligible for hire as a dental hygienist. The shipping manager that aspires to be a College Professor would have a RADIUS even more, unless he is currently shipping packages with a master's or doctorate.

In summary, a career change should be done with proper planning and thoughtful analysis of the current situation. It is important to recognise funny and unpleasant aspects of their current career and to identify educational requirements and training necessary to perform the tasks associated with a new career.

Decide which career you pursue is a tough decision, but there are resources of career training available to begin your journey to success. Make the effort to set your life straight today.

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