Saturday, December 31, 2011

A look back at the 2011 job market

background blue line Wednesday 28th December, 2011

A look back at the 2011 job market   
     Tuesday 27th December, 2011  Source: Deseret News

As 2011 draws to a close, the good news is that some job clubs are disbanding and others have shrinking attendance.
To be sure, hiring floodgates haven't opened, and the jobs may be contract, temporary or part-time, but employers are beginning to pump up their depleted payrolls.
This year's job market will be remembered because: _Employers sough...
UK foreign policy in 2012 is likely to see an extension of that of the last decade, the most capastrophic since the 1930s. Britian is eyeing Burma, Syria, Somalia, and Iran.

Breaking News
Wednesday 28th December, 2011

Our network flyer service provides a medium for putting your important news into a flyer on the web.
Whether it be a new product launch, announcing a community event, promoting a Web site, or advertising your business, then our Network Flyers service is for you.
Click here for more details

View the original article here

ACTU criticises Australia's extension of the trade agreement with Fiji

background blue lineWednesday, December 28, 2011

ACTU criticises Australia's extension of the trade agreement with Fiji  
Wednesday 28 December 2011 source: IBTimes

Australia n Government on Tuesday for the renewal of a scheme for textiles, clothing and footwear with the Government of Fiji.
The scheme is part of a multilateral trade agreement, ACTU President Ged Kearney insisted the life of workers in the textile sector in Fiji that low wages be paid would not improve.
UK foreign policy in 2012 is likely to see an extension of that of the past decade, the most capastrophic since the 1930s. Britian's eyeing Burma, Somalia, Syria and Iran.

Breaking News
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Our flyer service network provides a medium for your important news commissioning a flyer on the web.
Whether it's a new product launch, is a community event notify, promoting a Web site or advertising for your company, then our Flyers network service for you.
Click here for more details

View the original article here

Gingrich Will Tout Jobs, Economy in Final Iowa Push

background blue lineWoensdag 28 December, 2011

Gingrich zal banen, economie in definitieve Iowa Push Tout  
Dinsdag 27 December, 2011 Bron: ons nieuws

Newt Gingrich, sensing een opleving van de overheidssteun, van plan om zijn laatste week vóór de Iowa Kaukasus op te drukken zijn plan voor positiebepaling van de economie en werkloosheid, volgens Republikeinse surrogaten voor de voormalige huis spreker beteugelen besteden.
UK buitenlandbeleid in 2012 is waarschijnlijk zien een uitbreiding van die van het afgelopen decennium, de meeste capastrophic sinds de jaren 1930. Britian eyeing Birma, Somalië, Syrië en Iran.

Breaking News
Woensdag 28 December, 2011

Onze flyer netwerkdienst biedt een medium voor uw belangrijk nieuws ingebruikneming een flyer op het web.
Of het nu een nieuwe product te lanceren, is een gemeenschap evenement aankondigen, bevorderen van een Web site of reclame voor uw bedrijf, vervolgens onze Flyers netwerk service voor u.
Klik hier voor meer details

View the original article here

Jobs focus Ontario's green energy plan kept alive

background blue lineWednesday, December 28, 2011

Jobs focus Ontario's green energy plan kept alive  
Wednesday 28 December 2011 source: CTV

TORONTO-; The Ontario Government has been able to stick by its green energy plans amid a looming recession by making the project about jobs can, but her greatest challenge one of public relations, not finance.
The focus on green energy comes at a political cost, with the Liberals lose their majority mandate after this decline of the elections.
Tha ...
UK foreign policy in 2012 is likely to see an extension of that of the past decade, the most capastrophic since the 1930s. Britian's eyeing Burma, Somalia, Syria and Iran.

Breaking News
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Our flyer service network provides a medium for your important news commissioning a flyer on the web.
Whether it's a new product launch, is a community event notify, promoting a Web site or advertising for your company, then our Flyers network service for you.
Click here for more details

View the original article here

Career Development Planning: Keys to Career Success

Career Development Planning: keys to finding and qualifying for the right job for overall career success.

Career development planning is the key to advancement and is a measure of tracking the progress of your career. Also, it is a dependable method to study your overall personal goals and the steps taken as your accomplishments move you toward the right career.

Keys to a well thought out career development plan: The plan is a work in progress. As you move up one step there is another in front of you. You build in flexibility, one door may close but with continued career related research another soon opens. Your career development plan is not focused exclusively on your work but on your career, its direction and your interests and passion.

As you career plan evolves so does your resume. Keep it up dated through a file in which you keep a record of achievements, training, projects completed, new skills, promotions, performance reviews and positive letters and memos.

Begin keeping a file on job announcements in your career and any career in which you have an interest. Even if employed this is a good tip as you can identify where new qualifications are required allowing you to get the additional training and experience.

In the course of writing out your career development plan spend some time on exactly what your overall job objectives are. Both short and long-term and what you see yourself doing. Are there any obstacles you have to overcome? How is your development plan going to help you qualify for your next career or update your current position?

To make your career development plan work for you there are several personal planning steps that it would be productive to consider:

1. Research the proposed career. Use informational interviews to talk to those already working in the career. Attend workshops and seminars and area conferences. Build your network of like minded people. Work to determine what skills, education and experience are required to qualify for the position.

2. If your career direction is not firmly fixed, pick the top two or three and keep researching until a number one comes into focus. Don't worry if you reject a career that at first seemed so promising, this is progress and it's just as important to find out what you don't want as what you look at favorably.

3. If you are planning a career change analyze closely what qualifications are required. Identify your transferable skills, and build a step by step plan to become qualified. In-line learning, self-study and mentoring can go a long way to become qualified in many required skills.

4. Add financial planning to your career development plan. If changing careers requires a reduced level of income, take that into consideration in your overall planning. Reduce overall debt to increase your options and reduce stress.

In any career development plan you have a series of long-term objectives, for example: reading books appropriate to your career, leadership, team building and project management are just a few subjects to consider. If you want to move to another area, you may want to vacation there first.

If you are looking at a career in another industry, research and study of the industry is in order. What are the overall prospects to the industry and the proposed career?

In summary, career development planning is a work in progress, and a valuable partner to growing your career based skills and qualifications. All of which should allow you to discover opportunities that match you career objectives.

For more detailed information about career planning and career development go to career planning and development. You'll also find ideas about changing careers and the stories of individuals just like you who successfully made midlife career changes.

10 IT news stories to expect in 2012

background blue line Wednesday 28th December, 2011

10 IT news stories to expect in 2012   
     Tuesday 27th December, 2011  Source: Computer World

IDG News Service - Well, we erred in our 2011 predictions in not repeating a 2010 forecast that Carol Bartz would be ousted as Yahoo CEO -- it was bound to happen, we just called that one too early.
Then again, we also predicted last year that Oracle would buy and have decided not to repeat ourselves this year, so we'll see if we wer...
UK foreign policy in 2012 is likely to see an extension of that of the last decade, the most capastrophic since the 1930s. Britian is eyeing Burma, Syria, Somalia, and Iran.

Breaking News
Wednesday 28th December, 2011

Our network flyer service provides a medium for putting your important news into a flyer on the web.
Whether it be a new product launch, announcing a community event, promoting a Web site, or advertising your business, then our Network Flyers service is for you.
Click here for more details

View the original article here

Friday, December 30, 2011

Career Exploration for a Rewarding Career

If you are a recent or soon to be high school or college graduate, you are probably scratching your head wondering what to do next. If you are a high school graduate, you may be interested in exploring different majors so that you can decide, which college, university, or vocational school is right for you. If you are a college graduate, you may be interested in exploring the many different types of jobs that are available to you now that you have earned your degree.

Making the right decision about your education or job choice is the first step toward a rewarding career. You can save yourself years of unhappiness by taking the time to research the different types of careers that are available to you, the economic outlook for those careers, the salary that you can expect to earn, and the advancement potential you can anticipate.

With tens of millions of jobs to choose from, planning your career can be a long and difficult road without the proper tools to research your career and education options. As a high school graduate, if you make the wrong choice about your major you could spend years earning a degree only to discover it was not the right career path for you. As a college graduate, if you make the wrong choice about your career you could spend years feeling trapped in a job because it was not the right career trajectory for you.

As an experienced career coach and resume writer, I have clients of all ages and career levels contact me to help them navigate their job search. Unbelievably, approximately 50% of these clients do not have a clear-cut job target, nor do they know that there are resources to assist them in making this very important decision. As a result, I provide my clients with the tools and resources they need to identify their career objective before we begin mapping out a strategy to help them get there.

With graduation time creeping around again, I wanted to share a few online resources with you to help you find the career that might suit you best. The Big Book of Jobs published by VGM Career Books and the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics says, "The key to a successful career search is to balance what you can do and what you want to do versus what employers expect in specific career fields. One way that most of us reconcile this dilemma is by first conducting an extensive self-assessment and then researching careers that match your personal profile". I could not have said it better myself. Below are a few of the free self-assessment resources that are available online.

1. The O*NET Computerized Interest Profiler is a vocational interest assessment instrument administered online that fosters career awareness and provides a window to the world of work via the 800+ occupations within O*NET Online.

2. O*NET Work Importance Locator is a self-assessment career exploration tool that allows people to identify occupations that they may find satisfying based on the similarity between their work values and the characteristics of the occupations.

3. The O*NET Ability Profiler is a career exploration tool that helps clients plan their work lives. Individuals can use the results to identify areas for which they might want to receive more training and education as well as identify occupations that fit their strengths.

Once you have completed a comprehensive self-assessment, you can begin researching careers that match your personal profile. Below are a few career exploration tools that are available online.

1. InsideJobs is a free online resource dedicated to career exploration. There are thousands of job descriptions to help people identify what they want to do in their career. The job descriptions are fun to read and include salary ranges and work environment information as well as information on education and training needed to enter a specific job field. Users can also explore common career trajectories for a variety of job fields. The interactive media components of the website allow users to watch informational videos with real people sharing their personal experience about their career choice.

2. O*NET Online is an interactive application for career exploration and job analysis. The O*NET database contains information on hundreds of standardized and occupation-specific descriptors, which is available to the public at no cost, and is continually updated by surveying a broad range of workers from each occupation.

Even with the multitude of career exploration tools available, you may still find it difficult to make a career decision. As you peruse job descriptions that match your personal profile, make a list of the likes and dislikes of the jobs you have eliminated as well as a list of the likes and dislikes of the jobs that are still in contention.

For the positions that are still in contention, make notes about what makes these types of jobs attractive to you such as skill sets, opportunity for advancement and salary ranges. Think about other types of careers that share these same features and refine your research efforts to focus solely on these career fields until you reach a decision.

If you are still undecided about your career choice, consider setting-up informational interviews with professionals in your fields of interest to learn more about what the jobs entail and what you might expect should you decide on a career in one of those fields.

Tunnel Open, Bridge work resume

background blue lineWednesday, December 28, 2011

Oregon Coast Road Update: Tunnel Open, Bridge work resume  
Wednesday 28 December 2011 source: Beach connection

(Cannon Beach, Oregon) – the coast is usually clear-at least the road to the North Coast.
Tunnel closures on Highway 26 stopped at the end of June, but work on two bridges close to the intersection of Highway 101 has resumed (above: aan zee).
UK foreign policy in 2012 is likely to see an extension of that of the past decade, the most capastrophic since the 1930s. Britian's eyeing Burma, Somalia, Syria and Iran.

Breaking News
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Our flyer service network provides a medium for your important news commissioning a flyer on the web.
Whether it's a new product launch, is a community event notify, promoting a Web site or advertising for your company, then our Flyers network service for you.
Click here for more details

View the original article here

Tips for Changing Careers in Your 30s

As people move from their 20s into their 30s it commonly occurs that they begin to have second thoughts about their first choice of career; they start wondering - what else might be out there for them. When these thoughts arise the next question is usually "What else can I do?".

If this is you, then you might find that the following 5 areas will assist you in your decision making for changing careers in your 30s:

Clarify your reasons for wanting a career change
Identify what is most important to you in your career and life
What are your priorities in life for the next 3-5 years?
Identify your career options
Develop a self marketing plan and job search strategy

Let's look at each of these areas in more detail.

1. Clarify your reasons for wanting a career change

Taking time to fully reflect on and identify your reasons for wanting to make a career change is very important.

Why? If you don't fully understand what it is that you want to change in your life and career it is unlikely that you will be able to make informed decisions about your preferred future. The risk is you'll make a hasty, ill judged decision that will leave you no better off, or perhaps worse off than you are now.

Turning 30 is often a big milestone in people's lives resulting in some reflection about what has been achieved in the past decade, and the realisation that some changes need to be made.

That you are thinking about a changing careers means that something has changed in your life, that in fact there are reasons for you thinking and feeling that changes are necessary. So what is your career change motivation?

2. Identify what is most important to you in your career and life

Your priorities will of course change over time, and so will your values.

However, if you think about it there will some fundamental things -core values and beliefs that have shaped who you are today, and will continue to define what is important to you for the remainder of your life.

Have you ever taken the time to deeply reflect on what matters most to you in your life? There is no right or wrong in your answer to this question. Each of us is unique and your core values will be deeply meaningful and unique to you.

So what matters most in your life and career? What drives you? What will you put first in your life? Is it:

Your personal relationships
Family, children
Your country or community
Status, achievement, reputation
Helping others
Realising your full potential by doing work that uses your best skills & attributes

This list is by no means exhaustive. The point is however that in making a decision to change careers how will these core values and beliefs be affected?

Is a change in career compatible with what matters most to you in life and career

3. What are your priorities for the next 3-5 years

Having considered the bigger picture for your life you need to now narrow your focus. What specifically would you like to achieve most in the next 3-5 years?

Thinking about the importance of a life in balance consider not only what you'd like to achieve in employment - what about other areas of your life that we mentioned previously?

How well will your current job and employer support your efforts with these goals? How well will a career change support these? Consider your goals for each of these areas:

Personal relationships
Financial position
Health and fitness
Role in the community
Spiritual wellbeing

4. Identify your career options

Now it's time to consider what type of career change is possible for you.

People can and do change their careers successfully all the time. The key to doing this successfully is having a targeted approach to your job search. This means you have a concise idea about:

The type of employment you want
The skills and knowledge required for this work
The type of organisation in which you'd like to work

This will usually involve some fairly extensive research on your part. It will certainly involve a comprehensive review of your career so far so that you can identify where you have acquired and used some of the skills and knowledge needed in your new line of work.

Of equal importance will be to identify achievements or contributions you've made in past employment using the skills and knowledge needed in your new career.

For some people, it may mean that you will have to complete further education or training to assist you to make your desired career transition.

There are many websites that will have resources to assist you to undertake a career review to help you to identify your career options. Taking a career interest inventory might also be a useful step if you don't know what career direction to pursue.

One important step in identifying your career options is to put together a written list of the organisations that you would like to work for.

5. Develop a self marketing plan and job search strategy

You will probably be aware that different employers have differing approaches to recruitment.

Government and large corporates will advertise job vacancies. you need to know where, how and even when they will do this, for example in the case of seasonal recruitment.

Small to medium sized enterprises, and often not for profit organisations may advertise job vacancies, but often many will not do this. Their approach in these instances may be word of mouth.

So your job search strategy will depend to a certain extent on who your targeted employers are - hence the suggestion for a list. Do your homework on their recruiting strategy so that you know the best way to attract their attention.

In terms of a marketing plan you will certainly need:

A targeted resume - what style will you use? Reverse chronological, functional, or a combined style?
A compelling cover or application letter, or email
A networking and information interviewing strategy
To practice your job interview skills - do you know for example how to participate in a behavioral interview

The whole idea behind a targeted approach is that you are designing a very specific approach which highlight the key skills and attributes you have which are needed in your new career direction.

And...that this information is targeted to meet the needs of your employer of choice.


Changing careers in your 30s is something that people commonly do. However it is not a decision which should be made lightly. This is especially the case if you have family and dependents.

But, if you use the above steps, questions and suggested approaches as a guide, it may be possible that you will successfully make your desired career transition.

About the Author
Anthony McAvaney is a training and development specialist and job search coach. He has enjoyed a career which has involved working in a variety of industry settings including banking, tourism and hospitality, the IT sector, retail and wholesale, manufacturing, higher education and also in government.

His website Job Search provides comprehensive information and resources to assist people to successfully change their career or job.

How To Make a Career Change After Age 50!

Make your career change after age 50 happen with the right career change strategies.

Every day individuals over age 50 are making successful career changes. So what you thought might be impossible, could be a relatively easy transition. The critical factor to get right is a well thought out and researched career plan. This will make the career change, quicker and as smooth as possible. We are all living longer so a midlife career change could result in working in a new career 20 years or longer. It could be a much easier journey if you were working in a career that you enjoyed and were challenged by the every day activities of the job.

The fastest growing job hunting group are the candidates over age 50. The smart employers have learned they benefit greatly by hiring reliable, hard-working and experienced people beyond age 50. So although the present employment climate is not the best, mid-career candidates have a range of advantages over the younger candidate. If you carefully analyze your skills you'll find many are transferable to other unrelated careers. Leadership, project management, team building, communication, skills in operating computer related systems and software, budgeting, marketing and customer service are just some of the transferable skills that you will find are desirable qualifications in changing to another career.

Take a careful look at your interests. What do you enjoy doing and not doing? If you say you'd enjoy working under a palm tree on the beach at Trunk Bay in the Virgin Islands, with the right career change planning, you can make it happen. Review the challenges you resolved in all of your jobs, obstacles overcome and the results achieved. From these and other similar questions, and a self-assessment of your strengths and weaknesses you are now prepared to research careers that would fit your interests, skills and qualifications.

Remember as you research possible careers throw as wide a net as possible. What you thought originally as a possible good fit will turn out not to have much of a future and another suggested career may easily fit into your transferable skill sets and interests. In your career change research, you'll discover the possibility of added training. How long will it take to acquire the required training and skills? What are the possible costs? The short and long-term outlooks for the career are also important considerations. Will you have to relocate? Perhaps self-employment is a possibility. All this information will have to be assessed and reviewed before you begin your career change job search.

On occasion, you'll find to qualify for a complete career change you have to successfully move through several career path related steps. You will have to work, for example, in an almost entry-level position, earn your strips and then perhaps qualify for a job with a larger employer with more career related opportunities. When you've focused on a new career after age 50 now will be the time to put your years of experience to work. Build a job search plan, include your network of contacts, and continue to build your network to uncover hidden job opportunities. Read and study how to write the best resume and cover letters pertaining to career change.

Study and practice your-interviewing skills. See a medical professional and start a diet and exercise program, it will do wonders for your self-confidence. This renewed self-confidence will show through in everything you do in your job hunt. Ask for help in any area where you think you may be stuck. This is where your network and a mentor can be invaluable.

Keep an upbeat and positive attitude. One method to do this is to read books and listen to CD's on motivation. If you are unemployed plan to work a full day every day in your career change job search. If you are still working keep your job hunt out of the workplace.

You have a toolbox full of marketable skills, you are dependable, have a long list of achievements, and have a passion to do a great job in the new career. Your successful career change after age 50 is just around the corner.

John Groth has changed careers seven times during his working life. Learn more about changing careers and career planning at Discover how others over age 50, built winning career plans, changed careers and found the right careers by career planning after 50.

Career Planning After 50 - A Proper Foundation Is The Key!

A proper foundation is the key to both career and financial success.

Career planning after 50 is one of the key activities you can engage in to set the foundation for your future success. A well planned foundation that will build future success; growing your career, changing careers or just finding that second job after retirement is an important component to your overall plan.

Wishing to qualify for that second job after retirement, for example, may require years of planning, preparation and skill building, getting to know and help the right people and a full measure of financial planning.

Planning for a career after 50 is not a one time event. As your interests and obligations chance the process also changes and will mean you will be redefining your overall career objectives, updating your financial plans and exploring new directions.

Regardless of where your are, and whatever your age, the building of a robust career and life plan follows a linear path from selecting a career, finding the right job in the career and then developing your ability to find satisfaction in your selection and growing and progressing in the job.

After age 50 career planning can present you with special problems. It's not like you were starting out with a clean slate. You have learned there are certain circumstances in the work place that you are uncomfortable with and want to avoid. You have developed interests both on the job and outside of work that will help you develop you career plan foundation.

Just like building a house, get the career planning after 50 foundation right and it will dictate the size and scope of the structure.

The basis for your career foundation is research. You've been working for-awhile what careers peak you interest? Why? Which careers would you not want to work in? Again why? Talk to others working in the desired career. Find their names by using LinkedIn, friends or a related local or national career association.

Make use of the internet, search for information on the desired career. Who employs people working in the career? Find out all you can about the possible employers. What are the salary ranges? What is the overall career path?

Now how do your qualifications and experience match up with the desired career? Do you need additional training? What is the fastest and cheapest way to get qualified?

You have transferable skills from you present career to your new job. What are they and how would you showcase these skills to qualify for the new career.

After examining your transferable skills what specific experience do you seem to be lacking to qualify for the new position? What is the best and quickest way to qualify? Part-time work, temp assignments, working after hours for a non-profit or career related association; are all methods to get the desired experience.

Even if you are happy with your current position, it's a good exercise to go through this process at least annually. It will help keep you grounded and alert for possible opportunities. Moreover, career planning is just not exploring career possibilities or career changes but building on your current strengths and skills to make you more valuable to yourself and your current employer.

If you discover in building your career foundation that a career change is warranted, take a deep breath, and carefully plan your job hunt. You have some learning to do, research to complete before you can mount a well planned job hunting effort.

In any job hunt what may look simple becomes difficult, what should be done in days takes weeks, people don't call you back, you get rejected in a job that you are completely qualified for, people make promises and routinely break them, and so it goes. Although a job hunt takes time, you have the advantage of a well planned effort, a realistic level of patience and the knowledge that a daily focused effort will produce desired results.

Stick to your career plan. Keep up the training and learning. Work your network, help others. Fine tune your financial planning. Reduce your debts. All are designed to keep you on track to build the proper positive attitude and guide you to your career objective.

Discover up to date career planning ideas and tips at You'll find informative articles on career planning and job hunting along with stories of individuals just like you who successfully made after 50 career changes.

Search for woman in Whitsundays CV's

background blue lineWednesday, December 28, 2011

Search for woman in Whitsundays CV's  
Wednesday 28 December 2011 source: SBS

Two helicopters are leading the quest on Wednesday morning to a 31-year-old woman disappeared after a boat overturned in rough seas coast Whitsunday Island.
UK foreign policy in 2012 is likely to see an extension of that of the past decade, the most capastrophic since the 1930s. Britian's eyeing Burma, Somalia, Syria and Iran.

Breaking News
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Our flyer service network provides a medium for your important news commissioning a flyer on the web.
Whether it's a new product launch, is a community event notify, promoting a Web site or advertising for your company, then our Flyers network service for you.
Click here for more details

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Calculate jobs slumps again

background blue lineWednesday, December 28, 2011

Calculate jobs slumps again  
Wednesday 28 December 2011 source: IC Wales

The number of job vacancies dropped by a quarter in some parts of the United Kingdom this year, with an average of 23 people Chase every post, according to a new study.
Recruitment firm Total jobs said there was a "huge" 28% decrease of posts available in Scotland and 16% in Wales as the "weak" recovery in employment growth at the beginning of 2011 to a halt.
The delivery of ...
UK foreign policy in 2012 is likely to see an extension of that of the past decade, the most capastrophic since the 1930s. Britian's eyeing Burma, Somalia, Syria and Iran.

Breaking News
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Our flyer service network provides a medium for your important news commissioning a flyer on the web.
Whether it's a new product launch, is a community event notify, promoting a Web site or advertising for your company, then our Flyers network service for you.
Click here for more details

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Infosys, TCS to generate 20,000 jobs in Madhya Pradesh

background blue lineWednesday, December 28, 2011

Infosys, TCS to generate 20,000 jobs in Madhya Pradesh  
Wednesday 28 December 2011 source: KeralaNext

India News: Bhopal, 28 Dec (STARK) and the Government of Madhya Pradesh plan, information technology companies Infosys and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) can employ 20,000 engineers from the State in the near future, a Minister said Wednesday.
UK foreign policy in 2012 is likely to see an extension of that of the past decade, the most capastrophic since the 1930s. Britian's eyeing Burma, Somalia, Syria and Iran.

Breaking News
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Our flyer service network provides a medium for your important news commissioning a flyer on the web.
Whether it's a new product launch, is a community event notify, promoting a Web site or advertising for your company, then our Flyers network service for you.
Click here for more details

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Oil prices hold steady on u.s. employment data

background blue lineSunday 25 December, 2011

Oil prices hold steady on u.s. employment data  
Saturday 24 December, 2011 source: the entry of China

London--world oil prices were little changed Friday as support remained strong jobs in the United States, the world's largest consumer of raw data.
This year a number of cases including al-Qaeda leaders feared have leader Osama bin Laden, North Korea's "Dear Leader" Kim Jong Il, Tunisia's Zine el-Abidine ben Ali, Egyptian Hosni Mubarak and Libya Muammar Gaddafi. The big question is now, so what?

Breaking News
Sunday 25 December, 2011

Our flyer service network provides a medium for your important news commissioning a flyer on the web.
Whether it's a new product launch, is a community event notify, promoting a Web site or advertising for your company, then our Flyers network service for you.
Click here for more details

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Perry Resumes Iowa Bus Tour, hammers GOP opponents

background blue lineWednesday, December 28, 2011

Perry Resumes Iowa Bus Tour, hammers GOP opponents  
Tuesday 27 December, 2011 source: ABC News

Council BLUFFS, Iowa – after a break of four day of the campaign trail, Texas gov Rick Perry restart his tour bus through Iowa, pounding his opponents for their Washington and Wall Street '; insider '; status and sell themselves as the '; authentic conservative ';  in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.
';Why s ...
UK foreign policy in 2012 is likely to see an extension of that of the past decade, the most capastrophic since the 1930s. Britian's eyeing Burma, Somalia, Syria and Iran.

Breaking News
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Our flyer service network provides a medium for your important news commissioning a flyer on the web.
Whether it's a new product launch, is a community event notify, promoting a Web site or advertising for your company, then our Flyers network service for you.
Click here for more details

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Mourning technology of large Reinventor

background blue lineSunday 25 December, 2011

Steve Jobs 1955, 2011: mourning technology of large Reinventor  
Sunday 25 December, 2011 source: time

Steve Jobs, whose death was announced on Wednesday night, October 5, 2011, was not a computer scientist. He had no training as a hardware engineer or industrial designer. The Apple introduced under his leadership-companies; of personal computers about MP3 players to smart phones-; already existed before the company was there.
But with amazing regularity, ...
This year a number of cases including al-Qaeda leaders feared have leader Osama bin Laden, North Korea's "Dear Leader" Kim Jong Il, Tunisia's Zine el-Abidine ben Ali, Egyptian Hosni Mubarak and Libya Muammar Gaddafi. The big question is now, so what?

Breaking News
Sunday 25 December, 2011

Our flyer service network provides a medium for your important news commissioning a flyer on the web.
Whether it's a new product launch, is a community event notify, promoting a Web site or advertising for your company, then our Flyers network service for you.
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How long can support Apple Steve Jobs ' patent war

background blue lineWednesday, December 28, 2011

How long can support Apple Steve Jobs ' patent war?  
Wednesday 28 December 2011 source: San Francisco Chronicle

The late Steve Jobs put the strategic Show when he Apple CEO, decide to fight competitors instead of deals to parts of the technology of his company.
UK foreign policy in 2012 is likely to see an extension of that of the past decade, the most capastrophic since the 1930s. Britian's eyeing Burma, Somalia, Syria and Iran.

Breaking News
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Our flyer service network provides a medium for your important news commissioning a flyer on the web.
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Career Change Mistakes You Don't Want To Make!

Career change is just around the corner for many of us. Although it may be a major decision, you have a number of important things to consider before you go after a new career.

If your current career seems to have reached a dead-end, or you are unhappy and no longer challenged maybe it's time for a career change. If you have something in mind it needs to be researched and evaluated before you make a move. Proper career changes can be a welcome addition to your life but a mistake in changing careers can leave you worse off than before.

Here are three career change mistakes you should not make.

1. Changing careers by jumping at the first idea that comes along is the first mistake many people make. If you are in a bad situation it's real easy to grasp at the first thing that comes along. Anything is better that your present situation, but you soon find out that it's not true. Now things are worse, and time is passing, and the hole you're in is deeper and more difficult to get out of.

First, maybe things can be changed in you current career. A concerted effort in resolving some of the most pressing issues could make you current situation better. It will give you some breathing room to spend some time to thing things through and do some careers research, perhaps to acquire some new skills.

A new career does not just happen. You have to plan out exactly what and when you want things to happen. By putting your plan into action you're more likely to reach your new career objective.

2. Forgetting about your new financial needs or not preparing for a possible change in you financial circumstances is the second mistake many career changers make. Quitting a job and beginning to look for a job in a new career will usually take longer than expected.

Continue working in your current career while you build your skills and qualifications for the new career. Build you financial resources, pay down your debts, and take a part-time job all to insure you have the financial resources to weather any storm when you change careers.

In changing careers you may have to take a step or two back before you again begin moving forward. This means your income will take a dip before you again equal or exceed your former income. Plan for these circumstances and the transition to a new career will go much smoother.

3. Not having a career change plan may be the biggest mistake a career changer can make. Career planning must be written out and progress reviewed every two or three months and adjustments make in your progress. Combining a career plan with the all important financial plan will result in a synergy that will allow you to reach your career change goals earlier and the journey will miss many of the pot holes in the road to a new career.

Changing careers at any age can be an undertaking filled with uncertainty and unexpected challenges but by planning out each step you are more likely to find the right job in the right career.

John Groth has changed careers seven times during his working life. Learn more about changing careers and career change planning at Discover how others over age 50, built winning career plans and found the right careers by career change planning after 50.

Steve Jobs was called a ' Wildcard ' by Ad Executive Agency in 1976

background blue lineSunday 25 December, 2011

Steve Jobs was called a ' Wildcard ' by Ad Executive Agency in 1976  
Saturday 24 December, 2011 source: IBTimes

Steve Jobs, one of the largest tech innovators in the world, went to Apple starting in 1976, a Silicon Valley Executive advertising criticized him as a "joker".
This year a number of cases including al-Qaeda leaders feared have leader Osama bin Laden, North Korea's "Dear Leader" Kim Jong Il, Tunisia's Zine el-Abidine ben Ali, Egyptian Hosni Mubarak and Libya Muammar Gaddafi. The big question is now, so what?

Breaking News
Sunday 25 December, 2011

Our flyer service network provides a medium for your important news commissioning a flyer on the web.
Whether it's a new product launch, is a community event notify, promoting a Web site or advertising for your company, then our Flyers network service for you.
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Get Inspired About Your Career

Get Inspired about Your Career

Do you linger in bed long after your alarm goes off on work mornings? Do you dread Sunday nights because they lead to Monday mornings? Do you watch the clock and wonder if the day will ever end? Do you look outside your workplace and ask, "Is there more to life than just this job?"

If you suffer from any of these symptoms, it is time for you to create a new career! In her CD book, Advanced Energy Anatomy, Carolyn Myss, Ph.D. lays out a seven-step process for bringing an idea to physical creation. Here's that seven-step process applied to creating a new career inspiration.

1. Get Inspired. Inspiration comes from the Latin words that mean, "to breathe in". To infuse your career creation with life, passion, and excitement, ask yourself,

* What would I do if money were not an object?

* What did I love to do as a child but left behind?

* What activity do I do so intently that I don't notice time passing?

* Am I interested in turning down the road not taken at a past career fork in the road?

Dig deeply, don't censor your answers and write each inspiration on a separate piece of paper.

2. What Do You Think? Run each of your inspirations through your head! Ask,

* Can I see myself doing this?

* Does it make sense?

* Do I think I can do it?

* Am I willing to think about it?

Be honest in answering these questions, and record your answers on each idea's page. Rule out the inspirations that don't survive here.

3. What About Your Will? Run each of the surviving ideas through your will! Your will houses your mental capabilities for choosing, intending, wishing and desiring. Ask yourself,

* Will I be able to do this?

* Am I able to communicate it?

* Am I able to make the right choices and decisions to do this?

Again, write down your answers for each idea. Narrow your list of ideas once more to the ones you believe you'll be able to do, communicate or make the right choices for.

4. What Do You Feel? Run your survivors through your heart! Ask yourself,

* How do I feel about this?

* Does it feel right to me?

* Can I follow my heart on these inspirations?

Write the answers to these questions for each idea; rule out the ones your heart isn't into.

Here's where the going gets tough. The first four steps are energetic. They're ephemeral, they don't affect your physical life, and they're cheap and easy. The next three steps involve assessing your surviving career ideas in the physical world.

5. What Will Others Think? Run your surviving inspirations through your self-esteem. Ask yourself,

* Can I endure criticism for this choice?

* Will others think I'm foolish?

* What if others laugh at me?

Write your answers for each of the surviving ideas and go to the next step.

6. Can I Afford It? Run your surviving inspirations through your financial life. Ask yourself,

* What will it cost to change?

* Can I live on what I could make in this new career?

* Can I learn to live with less?

Record your answers and go to the next step.

7. Am I Willing to Deal With My Fears? What, you have no career ideas or inspirations that survived? Congratulations, you have met your fears!

Relax, you're not alone!

It's important that your mind, will and heart are all aligned, or you'll run into problems. Careers your mind likes but your heart doesn't will be short-lived. Careers your heart might like don't even get consideration if your mind allows its fears to stop you dead in your tracks. Your will doesn't have clear direction if your head and heart aren't aligned.

Run each of your inspirations through your mind, will and heart. Release those inspirations that don't have energy in all three of your mind, will and heart. You won't have enough energy to try them effectively. Hold onto the inspirations for which your mind, will and heart are aligned.

Run those inspirations through your self-esteem. Ask yourself,

* Do I have the guts to pull off this career change, even if others disapprove?

* Can I grow up and not need others approval to change?

* Am I willing to change my social group to pursue this new career?

Now that you're feeling bold and independent, run the ideas that survived through your financial screen again. Weigh your desire for a career that satisfies you with your need to remain unchanged economically. Ask yourself these tough questions:

* What economic changes must I make in order for this career to be feasible?

* Would living more simply (read: less expensively) feel better if I felt better about my career?

* What expenses that help me cope with my current career won't be necessary if I change?

* What's more important -- feeling good about myself or having things?

Finally, take the hardy career inspirations that remain and ask,

* Can I see myself putting this inspiration into practice?

* Am I ready to birth this career inspiration into the world?

* Am I ready to share the energy of my career idea with the world?

Shake the tree of your fertile imagination and see what career inspiration falls from it. Some ideas are ripe for picking; others need a bit more time on the tree to ripen. Hold onto those inspirations that didn't survive - you'll want to review them when you change careers next time!

Copyright 2005 Fruition Coaching, All Rights Reserved.

Rick Hanes is a life and career coach, writer, outdoorsman, gardener and tireless advocate for living life with purpose and passion. He founded Fruition Coaching in 2004 to lead the fight against leading lives of quiet desperation. Check his website at [] to contact him about rekindling the fire of your life!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Trade with Bangladesh resume after week long rudder

background blue lineSunday 25 December, 2011

Trade with Bangladesh resume after week long rudder  
Saturday 24 December, 2011 Source: times of India

Bangladesh resumed on Saturday after the end of a week-long shutdown, called by Indian exporters and importers demanding upgradation of infrastructure along the border, officials said here.
"After the withdrawal of the helm, the normal export-import business between India and Bangladesh through the Akhaurah country customs station (LCS) has resumed S ...
This year a number of cases including al-Qaeda leaders feared have leader Osama bin Laden, North Korea's "Dear Leader" Kim Jong Il, Tunisia's Zine el-Abidine ben Ali, Egyptian Hosni Mubarak and Libya Muammar Gaddafi. The big question is now, so what?

Breaking News
Sunday 25 December, 2011

Our flyer service network provides a medium for your important news commissioning a flyer on the web.
Whether it's a new product launch, is a community event notify, promoting a Web site or advertising for your company, then our Flyers network service for you.
Click here for more details

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Goodwill places record number of people in jobs in 2011

background blue lineWednesday, December 28, 2011

Goodwill places record number of people in jobs in 2011  
Tuesday 27 December, 2011 source: Business first

Follow this company posted a record-setting 2,584 people in jobs in 2011, a 36 percent increase from the previous year.
The project number placement is the highest that Goodwill has achieved in its history, which dates from 1923, according to a press release.
The creation, training and placement agency for Kentuckians with disabilities or o ...
UK foreign policy in 2012 is likely to see an extension of that of the past decade, the most capastrophic since the 1930s. Britian's eyeing Burma, Somalia, Syria and Iran.

Breaking News
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Our flyer service network provides a medium for your important news commissioning a flyer on the web.
Whether it's a new product launch, is a community event notify, promoting a Web site or advertising for your company, then our Flyers network service for you.
Click here for more details

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Taoiseach supports jobs initiative in West

background blue lineSunday 25 December, 2011

Taoiseach supports jobs initiative in West  
Saturday 24 December, 2011 source: Breaking News ie.

It is hoped that a number of new highly qualified jobs will be created in the West the next three years.The Taoiseach has supported a pilot programme aimed at the development of the West as a region of excellence for production.The initiative will provide training opportunities to engineers through education in partnership with governm ...
This year a number of cases including al-Qaeda leaders feared have leader Osama bin Laden, North Korea's "Dear Leader" Kim Jong Il, Tunisia's Zine el-Abidine ben Ali, Egyptian Hosni Mubarak and Libya Muammar Gaddafi. The big question is now, so what?

Breaking News
Sunday 25 December, 2011

Our flyer service network provides a medium for your important news commissioning a flyer on the web.
Whether it's a new product launch, is a community event notify, promoting a Web site or advertising for your company, then our Flyers network service for you.
Click here for more details

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