If you are thinking of changing career, then watch out that you don't make these classic career change mistakes. The issues that prevent career change success often lie in what you fail to do rather than in doing things wrong.
1. Fail to invest in your career change
Making a career change is a big project that should not be undertaken lightly. Acknowledge from the outset that you will need to make a real investment of time, effort and possibly money to get what you want.
2. Fail to learn from your mistakes
You haven't got this far in life without getting things wrong a few times. That's OK - join the club! But what really matters is have you learned from your mistakes? If your career has gone off down the wrong track, what does that tell you that you should do differently next time?
3. Fail to research thoroughly
There's been a lot of talk of 'due diligence' in the news recently. Well, that applies to you and your career move too. If you leap into a new career area on a whim or because someone suggested it, you may well be disappointed. Do your homework first!
4. Fail to think outside the box
Are you feeling stuck in a rut? It can be quite hard to see over the edges of that rut (or box) if you are in a really deep one. But the walls of your box limit your thinking and stop you from seeing really new possibilities and directions for your career. Challenge yourself to explore some radically different ideas - they may not be as crazy as you think.
5. Fail to be bold
Following on from thinking outside the box, you need to be prepared to be bold with these new ideas, ready to take a risk. A faint heart never won a fair lady and careers are transformed when people take their courage in both hands and strike out for something that really inspires them.
6. Fail to take responsibility
At the end of the day, it is all down to you. You are the only one in charge of your life, so you need to take responsibility for making the changes you want. Too often career changers blame their lack of success on others or on their circumstances. Yes, things can get in your way, but the challenge then is how to find a way round the obstacles and not just be defeated by them.
7. Fail to take action
Well, I guess this one should really be number one on the list. Are you still moaning about your job and saying you really must make a change? Just talking won't get you anywhere, so what action are you prepared to take within the next 24 hours to get the show on the road?
And if you'd like an easy first step to take, then I invite you to take a look around the How To Change Careers website where you will find a host of ideas to get your career change moving. You can also download my free Career Change Blueprint http://www.how-to-change-careers.com/career-change-blueprint.html which gives you the 5 essential steps to career change success.
From Cherry Douglas - Your Career Change Guide
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